public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from night.kame with tag dlc

May 2010

ongoing by Tim Bray · HTML5 and the Web

by 1 other

In fact, compared to the level of support and tooling you get from XCode on the Apple side or the various pieces of Android IDE-ware, HTML5 development is a major pain in the ass.

Ca me donne envie de me réabonner à Tim Bray cet article.

September 2009

Daring Fireball Linked List: Jackass of the Week: U.S. District Court Judge James Ware

Federal judge James Ware orders Google to disable the email account — which belongs to someone who did nothing wrong and was sent the email message by mistake.

En même temps ce n'est pas grave, c'est juste une boîte mail gratuite, il n'y a certainement pas de quoi insulter le juge.

night.kame's TAGS related to tag dlc

google +   html5 +