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PUBLIC MARKS from newsniche with tag rss

September 2005

How to use feedburner to get free statistics for your RSS feed.

Find out how you can use the free Feedburner service to get statistics for your RSS feeds and also save your bandwidth.

August 2005

How to Search MSN for RSS feeds

How you can search MSN to find RSS feeds.

July 2005

Submit your RSS feed to the Google personalized homepage

If you are looking to promote your RSS feed then submitting your feed to the Google personalized homepage. At the moment it is still unclear whether or not this will actually provide any immediate benefits. Only time will tell, but I can see this as the start of a major move towards RSS on the part of Google.

New RSS directories

Some new RSS directories that you can submit your RSS feed to.

Time saving uses for RSS

RSS is an underused and underappreciated technology by a majority of internet users. There is a small minority who are just starting to appreciate the benefits RSS can have on there personal and business lives. It is hard to define RSS, you cannot really get it until you see it in action.

RSS feeds future revealed

I don't claim to be a futurologist or an RSS pioneer but I have been keeping a pretty close eye on RSS and how it has been evolving. From what I have seen so far I think I can make some pretty good predictions about where RSS feeds are heading.

June 2005

Choosing your RSS reader

If you want to be able to read RSS feeds then you are going to need an RSS reader. The types of RSS reader that are available to you come in two flavours. There is the desktop RSS reader and there are the online or web RSS readers.

RSS content theft and how to prevent it

There are concerns among RSS publishers that their RSS content is being stolen or used without consent. The content is then being displayed on other websites surrounded by ads with no accreditation to the author.

How to promote your RSS feed

You have finally got an RSS feed set up and you are rightly proud of your achievement. The next step is to make sure you get as many visitors as possible to subscribe to your shiny new feed.

RSS and Microsoft

With all the announcements lately about Microsoft and RSS I have been wondering what this will mean for RSS. Microsoft will be supporting RSS in its new version of Windows and Internet Explorer. You might be thinking so what.

The great RSS land grab

According to Feedburner in a recent interview some interesting RSS metrics came to light. Based on a large sample of 60,000 publishers there shows a weekly growth of subscribers to feeds of 5 percent. This rate of growth is quite impressive for such a relatively new media.

RSS as search results

RSS is not just for publishing your own feeds. Have you ever considered using RSS as a research tool. All you need to do is to subscribe to some keywords through search engines and social bookmarking sites. Make a search and then subscribe to the resulting RSS feed link. This will allow you to stay on top of new results for your specific keywords.

Learn how to RSS

by 8 others
Newsniche is an RSS resource for webmasters. it will show you how to build and promote your RSS feed.

RSS feeds and how to use them

RSS feeds are the most important technology to arrive on the internet since blogging, yet take up of RSS feeds among webmasters and web visitors is still very low. The Sunday Times recent ran a survey to see how home users use the internet , RSS did not appear in it at all.

RSS publishing for webmasters

by 1 other
Since the recent rise in interest in RSS there has been a slew of RSS sites and RSS software. RSS has been proclaimed as the next big thing. There has been many wild claims about the benefits of publishing an RSS feed such as it will generate floods of traffic to your website.

Why I use Bloglines as my default RSS reader

Choosing a decent RSS reader to browse and read your favourite RSS feeds was not a straight forward task. I tried and tested many different windows desktop readers but I ended up uninstalling them for one reason or another. Then I found Bloglines and I am pleased to say I have not yet been disappointed with it.

Why are you abusing RSS

When you are involved in RSS everyday you get to see the fantastic opportunities RSS can bring to the web and how it can contribute to bettering the browsers experience and the webmasters bottom line. Unfortunately there is a dark side of RSS use.

May 2005

RSS more effective than email

by 1 other
Long have I been proclaiming the effectiveness of RSS as a communications channel for non personal communications over that of email. The protection and anonymity that RSS can offer over email means that it is fast becoming the preferred medium for many users. It seems visitors to your site now put more trust in RSS as they are five times more likely to subscribe to an RSS feed as they are to the equivalent information via email.

How using RSS will attract and maintain visitors

by 1 other
There are nowhere near the amount of webmasters using RSS that there should be. There is more exposure about RSS than there has ever been but take up of RSS still seems to be slow. I think the main reason for this is the lack of understanding of how to implement an RSS feed.

Why you should be using RSS

RSS opens up a whole new channel of communication between you and the browsing public. If at the moment you do not have an RSS feed then there is a whole community of people who do not know about you. Isn’t it time you started to publish an RSS feed, here are a few reasons to get started right now.

Using RSS for publishing and syndication

There are two reasons why you would want to use RSS as a webmaster and that is for publishing and syndicating your content. If you publish your content via an RSS channel then you can keep your subscribers notified of changes to your site, announcements and news. Publishing an RSS feed for syndication means that your are offering your content for others to republish.

A list of ranked RSS directories to submit your RSS feeds to.

by 3 others
Here is a list of RSS directories listed by Alexa ranking that you can submit your RSS feeds to.

RSS can keep you in the loop

When webmasters first hear about RSS they tend to concentrate on the promotional side of things. They want to know how it will bring more traffic to their site and get them higher rankings in the search engines. Webmasters always seem to ignore the fact that RSS can be used to keep up to date with your field of interest with little effort and saving you precious time. Time you could be spending promoting your site.

How to use RSS correctly

by 6 others
There is no doubt in my mind that RSS is here to stay. RSS is a simple and effective means of communicating your message to your visitors without invading their privacy or spamming them. It has many benefits over email and there have been many reports of the death of email due to the continual rise of mass spamming and non delivery due to spam filters. By no means is email dead, it is still the best personal communication method besides picking up the phone. It's just that RSS does some things much better than email.

Using Feedburner to add statistics to your RSS feed

Using Feedburner to add statistics to your RSS feed

newsniche's TAGS related to tag rss

bloglines +   feedburner +   feeds +   google +   homepage +   internet +   microsoft +   msn +   personalized +   search +   web +