public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from micah with tag productivity

April 2006

How to Get Up Right Away When Your Alarm Goes Off

by 2 others (via)
When your alarm wakes you up in the morning, is it hard for you to get up right away? Do you find yourself hitting the snooze button and going right back to sleep?

How I Work: Bill Gates - Apr. 4, 2006

by 4 others (via)
On my desk I have three screens, synchronized to form a single desktop. I can drag items from one screen to the next. Once you have that large display area, you'll never go back, because it has a direct impact on productivity.

February 2006

Bona tempes volvant: The 10/20/30 Rule of PowerPoint

by 8 others (via)
I am trying to evangelize the 10/20/30 Rule of PowerPoint. It’s quite simple: a PowerPoint presentation should have ten slides, last no more than twenty minutes, and contain no font smaller than thirty points.

4-1/2 tiny ways to master | 43 Folders

Yeah, I know: your world would implode if you had two hours without email. You’d be fired, jailed, or might even miss that whole thread about lunch at Chili’s vs. Applebee’s. Friend, someday you will actually hear yourself defending your email addiction as a necessity, and it will seem very very weird to you.

micah's TAGS related to tag productivity

attitude +   business +   career +   email +   guykawasaki +   insanity +   marketing +   speaking +   time +   usability +   work +