public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from micah with tag mp3

April 2006

Audio module review | Lullabot

As I was working on a new internal site for the Yale School of Drama, I realized I was going to need a module to handle all of their mp3 files for speech learning and training. Enter the audio module!

March 2006

The big DRM mistake

Digital Rights Managements hurts paying customers, destroys Fair Use rights, renders customers' investments worthless, and can always be defeated. Why are consumers and publishers being forced to use DRM?

February 2006

Godbit Project | Podcasting Your Church

One of the big projects I have taken on at my church is making our sermons available online. Although it is not directly related to web design, this task is usually give to whomever is in charge of a church’s web site.

FOCUS discography, MP3 and reviews

Of all the groups in the 1970s that combined elements of rock and classical music, FOCUS is, without a doubt, the most notable Dutch group widely known outside the Netherlands.

Boing Boing: Songbird, the "open source iTunes killer," flies today

A team led by ex-Winamp-er Rob Lord today released a preview edition of Songbird, a desktop media player that offers an open source alternative to services like Apple's iTunes and the Windows Media Player. Instead of connecting to one locked store full of DRMmed goods, it can connect to any and all available music (and video) on the internet.

January 2006 Ion iTTUSB Turntable with USB Record: Electronics

The first USB turntable that lets you convert your old vinyl collection directly to CD or MP3, the Ion Audio iTTUSB is a must for people who don't want to deal with clumsy adapters or mismatched software when transferring formats.

micah's TAGS related to tag mp3

audio +   business +   copyright +   crapware +   drm +   drupal +   godbit +   music +   podcasting +   sound +   usb +   vinyl +   web +