public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from heartdisk with tag travel

February 2006

January 2006

CouchSurfing - The world is smaller than you think!

by 23 others, 3 comments helps you make connections worldwide. You can use the network to meet people and then go and surf other members' couches! When you surf a couch, you are a guest at someone's house. They will provide you with some sort of accommodation, a penthouse apartment or maybe a back yard to pitch your tent in. Stays can be as short as a cup of coffee, a night or two, or even a few months or more. When you offer your couch, you have complete control of who visits. The possibilities are endless and completely up to you.

Welkom op

a couple spent 2 yrs to travel around the world ....

December 2005



November 2005


by 17 others
Wikitravel is a project to create a free, complete, up-to-date and reliable world-wide travel guide.


台灣一次怎麼現得夠? 下次去台中玩吧...

October 2005

heartdisk's TAGS related to tag travel

backpack +   blogclip +   elephant +   international +   journal +   map +   taiwan +   thailand +   台灣 +