public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from gregR with tag javascript


widgeditor - Google Code

widgEditor is a browser-based JavaScript WYSIWYG editor for HTML content. It is designed to be simple to use, have a small code footprint, and produce valid, semantic code.


John Resig - Easy PDF Sharing

a little shell script this afternoon which converts a PDF into a set of images then builds a little HTML JavaScript browser that you can copy-and-paste into your blog posts.

flot - Google Code

by 15 others (via)
Flot is a pure Javascript plotting library for jQuery. It produces graphical plots of arbitrary datasets on-the-fly client-side.


by 6 others
Highlight.js highlights syntax in code examples on blogs, forums and in fact on any web pages. It's very easy to use because it works automatically: finds blocks of code, detects a language, highlights it.

Easy Ajax with jQuery [JavaScript & AJAX Tutorials]

by 1 other
Ajax is changing web applications, giving them a responsiveness that's unheard of beyond the desktop. But behind all the hype, there's not much to Ajax -- (X)HTML, JavaScript, and XML are nothing new, and in this tutorial, I'll show you how to simplify the process of adding Ajax to your application even further with the help of jQuery, a popular JavaScript library.

google-code-prettify - Google Code

by 7 others
google-code-prettify syntax highlighting of code snippets in a web page A Javascript module and CSS file that allows syntax highlighting of source code snippets in an html page.

ASCIIMathML: Math on the web for everyone

by 1 other
produce good-looking math formulas on webpages using a simple calculator-style syntax and your own ASCII or HTML editor? Ascii -> mathML

Talking about Ajax and Accessibility at Abilitynet - Wait till I come!

the ins and outs of Ajax and its accessibility issues. You can download the presentation – PDF 400KB

JavaScript - Table des matières

by 4 others (via) en français.

Creating a Css/HTML/Javascript comments balloon popup

by 1 other (via)
The idea behind it is very simple: you have a link, that when you click on it (onclick) will either show or hide another CSS element (display:block,display:none). If the user clicks on a visible balloon, it dissappears.


CodePress - Real Time Syntax Highlighting Editor written in JavaScript

by 8 others
CodePress is web-based source code editor with syntax highlighting written in JavaScript that colors text in real time while it's being typed in the browser.

The Behaviour Layer

by 10 others (via)
The Behaviour Layer Using JavaScript for good, not evil

deconcept › SWFObject: Javascript Flash Player detection and embed script

by 33 others (via)
SWFObject is a small Javascript file used for embedding Macromedia Flash content. The script can detect the Flash plug-in in all major web browsers (on Mac and PC) FlashObject -> SWFObject

From DHTML to DOM scripting - an hands-on example of how to replace outdated JavaScript techniques.

normal web development task of creating a dynamic web page : A DHTML approach ; A DOM scripting approach

Behaviour : Using CSS selectors to apply Javascript behaviours

by 27 others (via)
That's why I came up with Behaviour - my solution to unobtrusive javascript behaviours.

Quick Lookup

by 8 others (via)
Référence rapide sur différents langages web. Bon pour la sidebar.

A DOM scripting enhanced template for Picasa

HTML standard compliant output, Display of the big images in a layer above the thumbnails instead of a new page if the visitor has JavaScript enabled, Normal “new page” display when JavaScript is not available

Top 10 custom JavaScript functions of all time

by 38 others (via)
the javascript swiss army knife no developer would go into production without.


presentacular - Adding effects to S5 with

by 17 others (via)
Presentacular adds visual effects to slide shows created with S5.

gregR's TAGS related to tag javascript

accessibilité +   ajax +   cms +   code +   css +   desktop tools +   firebug +   firefox +   flash +   google +   graphiques +   gui +   images +   jQuery +   linux +   OnlineBook +   php +   picasa +   présentation +   shell +   sql +   webapp +   webdev +   xhtml +   xml +