public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from figerrific with tag "social network"

March 2007


by 6 others
Wordie lets you make lists of words -- practical lists, words you love, words you hate, whatever. See who else has listed the same words, add citations and comments, and discuss. like flickr, but without the photos

December 2006

Huminity - Social Networking, Chat Software, Create Personal Free Blogs and My Group Blogs! - Most advanced social software on the Internet - english home page

by 2 others
Huminity is a free social networking, chat and Blog software bringing under one roof all of the Internet's social forces, providing you a full social experience! From The Huminity Team: We are two guys, 30+. We believe that people will achieve more by helping each other and that it is time the Internet evolves for people as much as it has evolved for corporates. We believe the Internet’s greatness is the interaction it brings between people and we hope that Huminity will take this one step further, and through combining Instant Messaging with Social Networks open a whole range of possibilities to enrich everyone’s life. Huminity is built to facilitate friendships, make it easy for people to find and make friends, find jobs faster, make better deals and reach anyone in the world. Above all - to have fun! The Huminity concept has proven itself - after all, Huminity was built on idealism and with the help from friends and friends of friends - without raising a dime from any institution or angels! Huminity is a "community friendly" entity, a true bootstrap start-up that is built on the honest belief that it can make the world a friendlier place. We hope you will enjoy Huminity as we enjoy creating it

October 2006


agWorld is helping build the Social Web by providing a unified set of easy-to-use, web-based services that will let users create and engage in a more meaningful, social experience. The Social Web empowers people's ability to engage in self-expression and communicate and share information with whomever they choose. As the Internet's influence evolves, a new social phase is emerging that calls for enabling people to place and have access to a broad range of personal information that they wish to place on the web. To support users, TagWorld sees five fundamental components for building out this new social web infrastructure: people, photos, blogs, tags and storage.

Meetro | The social messenger

by 10 others
Meetro is the new way to meet people nearby. Meetro is a "location-aware social messenger" What that means in english is that Meetro combines all the fun aspects of 'Social Networks', with all the real-time communications of 'Instant Messengers', wraps that around location, and finally adds two fist full’s of photos and profiles. Meetro is software that allows you to see who is logged in nearby, right now, and start chatting with them INSTANTLY. It's completely photo and profile based. It's so simple to get up and running. As soon as you sign on, you'll see people online that you can talk to. You'll also see us here at the Meetro HQ, we're here to answer any of your questions, comments, and feedback. It's easy to stay in touch with your existing friends who are already on Meetro, or you can connect to your AIM, MSN, and Yahoo accounts on the PC.

figerrific's TAGS related to tag "social network"

ajax +   communication +   community +   instant messaging +   software +   software (Windows) +   web 2.0 +   words +