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PUBLIC MARKS from felixlaumon with tag psychology

17 May 2006 - Why We Lie

Quote: The study, published in the Journal of Basic and Applied Psychology, found that 60 percent of people had lied at least once during the 10-minute conversation, saying an average of 2.92 inaccurate things

01 May 2006

冬天到了,春天還會遠嗎? » 我們是在溝通?還是在影響別人??

by 1 other
Quote: 在溝通技巧上有一種叫Rapport的東西,是藉著有技巧的、隱晦的、在對方不知情的情況下去模仿溝涌對象的無意識和非語言的行為,令對方在不知不覺間和自己「同步」,在同步之後便可由自己主導對方的情感以至行為。

felixlaumon's TAGS related to tag psychology

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