public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from cyberien with tag "ads; blogging"

10 November 2006 07:00

Google propose aux PME de faire leur promotion en ligne (Abondance actu - mardi 7 novembre 2006)

Google propose aux PME de faire leur promotion en ligne Google France lance aujourd'hui deux nouveaux produits autour de la publicité en ligne : les Annonces localisées, qui permettent de promouvoir des produits et services locaux, et Local business center, une plate-forme permettant aux entreprises de mettre gratuitement leurs services en ligne, afin que les internautes puissent y avoir accès. Les Annonces localisées sont accompagnées d’une carte Google Maps et s’affichent en format texte sur et les sites partenaires du réseau Google.

Kanoodle - The Right Marketing Solution for Advertisers

The best time to reach consumers on the Web and interest them in what you have to offer is while they are already engaged in content like your own. Chances are, they'll want more and better choices along the same lines - and that's where your ad comes in. ContextTarget makes it possible. How Does It Work? Our unique topic-based approach provides better targeting to truly relevant Web content - and the highly responsive audience you'll find there. We've defined topics that cover just about every area of interest you can find on the Web - and every product and service you might offer. So, when someone is checking the latest stock quotes, that's when we show them your ad for trading software. You choose how much you want to spend each time a visitor clicks on your link. You'll also benefit from ClickFactor, our way of making sure all advertisers compete on a level playing field.

10 November 2006 01:00

ReviewMe | Write reviews for cash!

by 1 other (via)
Get paid to review services and Web sites that are of interest to your readers, and reap the benefits of conversation with advertisers. Get your service or Web site reviewed by bloggers, gaining your site traffic, invaluable feedback, and word of mouth buzz.

cyberien's TAGS related to tag "ads; blogging"

context target +   google +   kanoodle +   maps +   sixapart +