public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from communismisdead with tag php

July 2006

Main Page - Patterns For PHP

by 12 others
Patterns for PHP is a repository of Design Patterns implemented specifically for PHP. Tired of seeing Java implementations? Just want to see what Patterns are all about? Then come on in, browse, and if you wish, contribute to the growing number of Design Patterns with PHP centric descriptions and examples.

June 2006

Jelix, framework PHP

by 9 others
Jelix, c'est un framework : * pour PHP5, entièrement objet * prend en charge de nombreux formats de sortie (XHTML, XUL, RDF..) * facilite le développement de services web * conçu sur la base de modèles connus (MVC, DAO..)

May 2006

April 2006, the best resource for PHP tutorials, templates, PHP manuals, content management systems, scripts, classes and more.

by 1 other (via)
Anyone who has an email address can tell you that spam is one of the great banes of the online world. But it's not only distant servers owned by the spammers that are to blame. It may even be your very own server. Insecure PHP scripts have provided great opportunities for spammers to abuse other's resources to send out their spam. In particular, it's the mail() function that can be abused. I myself was the target a few months ago when I noticed spam being sent from an old form on my server that I'd forgotten about. This month's article looks at techniques that can be used to harden your mail form, and reduce the chances of it being misused.

February 2006


Mais qu'est ce que l'on pourrai faire avec ?

November 2005

Forum PHP Paris 2005 organisé par l\'Association Française des Utilisateurs de PHP

by 1 other (via)
Vous n'étiez pas au forum PHP de Paris, la semaine dernière? Alors, voici le résumé de toutes les sessions, avec les slides des conférences. Cette année, Henry Cesbron Lavau était invité spécialement pour suivre et résumer le forum. Pour votre plus grand plaisir.

Comfortable PHP editing with VIM - Tobias Schlitt - a passion for php

by 1 other
I've always been a vi-hater, until I really came to know it. As most Unix newbes I first did not know in a way how to deal with vi in general and therefore never even touched it for years (I guess in the very first weeks, I did not even know, it exists).

October 2005

PHP : La bibliothèque PDO

by 4 others (via)
PHP 5.1 va inclure en standard une nouvelle couche d'abstraction pour l'accès aux bases de données : la bibliothèque PDO (PHP Data Objects). Petit tour d'horizon de la bête. Understanding MVC in PHP

by 6 others (via)
This article series demonstrates how to build an MVC web framework using PHP 5.

August 2005

PHP Security Consortium

by 6 others
Founded in January 2005, the PHP Security Consortium (PHPSC) is an international group of PHP experts dedicated to promoting secure programming practices within the PHP community. Members of the PHPSC seek to educate PHP developers about security through a variety of resources, including documentation, tools, and standards.

July 2005

Zend Technologies - Application Design in PHP

This section opens with a general introduction from experienced web developer Sherri Wheeler, who explains why good design is fast becoming an essential commodity for anyone hoping to build robust web applications.

Lussumo Vanilla - The sweetest forum on the web

by 55 others (via)
Un système de gestion de forums avec une présentation différente...

May 2005

April 2005

PHP 5 Power Programming

"This book, written by my colleague, Andi Gutmans, and two very prominent PHP developers, Stig Bakken and Derick Rethans, holds the key to unlocking the riches of PHP 5. It thoroughly covers all of the features of this new version, and is a must have for all PHP developers interested in exploring PHP 5's advanced features"

Changement de tactique - MarcArea Weblog

by 1 other
Où comment récuperer ses bookmarks de Blogmarks...

March 2005 :: View topic - PHPEdit 1.2 Screenshots

Quelques screens shots du nouveau PHPEdit.

February 2005

XmlHttpRequest et PHP - BLOGIX, le blog de qwix

by 14 others
Les XmlHttpRequest qu'est-ce que c'est ?

Do You PHP ? by Rasmus Lerdorf

by 1 other
echo "Peut être..."

January 2005

communismisdead's TAGS related to tag php

2005 +   activerecord +   atom + +   design +   dev +   email +   forum +   forums +   framework +   jabber +   livre +   localisation +   patterns +   pdo +   phpedit +   poo +   rss +   securité +   sessions +   sécurité +   spam +   vim +   xmlhttprequest +