public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from clochix with tag semantic

16 December 2006

Swoogle Semantic Web Search Engine

by 11 others
Swoogle is a search engine for the Semantic Web on the Web. Swoogle crawl the World Wide Web for a special class of web documents called Semantic Web documents, which are written in RDF. Currently, it provides the following services to the following services: * search Semantic Web ontologies * search Semantic Web instance data * search Semantic Web terms, i.e., URIs that have been defined as classes and properties * provide metadata of Semantic Web documents and support browsing the Semantic Web. * archive different versions of Semantic Web documents


by 1 other
OntoSelect provides an access point for ontologies on any possible topic or domain that is automatically updated, organized in a meaningful way and with automatic support for ontology selection in knowledge markup. Unlike for instance the DAML and SchemaWeb ontology libraries, OntoSelect is not based primarily on a static registration of published ontologies, but includes a crawling procedure that monitors the web for any newly published ontologies in the following representation formats: RDF/S, DAML or OWL.

SchemaWeb - RDF Schemas Directory

SchemaWeb is a directory of RDF schemas expressed in the RDFS, OWL and DAML OIL schema languages. SchemaWeb is a place for developers and designers working with RDF. It provides a comprehensive directory of RDF schemas to be browsed and searched by human agents and also an extensive set of web services to be used by software agents that wish to obtain real-time schema information whilst processing RDF data. RDF Schemas are the critical layer of the Semantic Web. They provide the semantic linkage that 'intelligent' software needs to extract value giving information from the raw data defined by RDF triples.

11 December 2006

WagN: a deep merger of wiki and tagging

WagN is a deep merger of wiki and tagging—not just a wiki with tagging, but wiki and tags all mashed up together. WagN can do everything a regular wiki can do- but it can also handle data in a way that regular wikis can’t. * WagN is made of cards A card is a chunk of information. * Cards can be connected Whenever two cards are related, you can “connect” them, creating a new card to explain the relationship. * Cards are named with tags A tag is basically just a word or phrase. Every tag has a card that explains it, and every card has a title comprised of one or more tags. A simple card's title is a single tag, while a connection card has a title built from multiple tags.

pOWL - Semantic Web Development Plattform

by 1 other
The aim of the pOWL project is thus to deliver a PHP and web-based ontology edititing and management solution to the OpenSoure community.

Jena Semantic Web Framework

by 1 other
Jena is a Java framework for building Semantic Web applications. It provides a programmatic environment for RDF, RDFS and OWL, SPARQL and includes a rule-based inference engine. Jena is open source and grown out of work with the HP Labs Semantic Web Programme. The Jena Framework includes: * A RDF API * Reading and writing RDF in RDF/XML, N3 and N-Triples * An OWL API * In-memory and persistent storage * SPARQL query engine

SemWebCentral Home Page

by 1 other
SemWebCentral is an Open Source development web site for the Semantic Web. One purpose of SemWebCentral is to support the Semantic Web community by providing a free, centralized place for Open Source developers to manage Semantic Web software and content development. The other purpose is to provide resources for developers or other interested parties to learn about the Semantic Web and how to begin developing Semantic Web content and software.

Metatomix Semantic Toolkit : OWL and RDF plugins for Eclipse

The Metatomix Semantic Toolkit is a set of Eclipse plugins to allow developers to create and manage ontologies based on the OWL and RDF standards.

07 December 2006

Zotero - The Next-Generation Research Tool

by 33 others
Zotero [zoh-TAIR-oh] is a free, easy-to-use Firefox extension to help you collect, manage, and cite your research sources. It lives right where you do your work — in the web browser itself.

04 December 2006

IBM Semantic Layered Research Platform

The IBM Semantic Layered Research Platform is the collective name for the family of software components produced by the IBM Advanced Technology group to support semantics throughout the application stack.

06 November 2006

Paris Web 2006 - Enrichissez vos liens : des webs sémantiques au Web Sémantique

by 1 other
Partager les données, les assembler, créer de la valeur en réutilisant ce qui est déjà disponible, nous le pratiquons au quotidien. En normalisant les formats de données et nos pratiques professionnelles nous crééons un environnement d'échanges riches. De nombreux formats (microformats, XML, RDF) permettent de construire cet écosystème d'interactions des données afin d'enrichir notre expérience quotidienne du Web. Découvrez l'état de l'art dans le domaine du Web sémantique.

03 November 2006 | Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities

by 4 others
SIOC provides methods for interconnecting discussion methods such as blogs, forums and mailing lists to each other. It consists of the SIOC ontology, an open-standard machine readable format for expressing the information contained both explicitly and implicitly in internet discussion methods, of SIOC metadata producers for a number of popular blogging platforms and content management systems, and of storage and browsing / searching systems for leveraging this SIOC data.

SKOS - Wikipédia

SKOS ou Simple Knowledge Organisation System (système simple d'organisation des connaissances) est une famille de langages formels permettant une représentation standard des thésaurus, classifications ou tout autre type de vocabulaire contrôlé et structuré. SKOS est construit sur la base du langage RDF, et son principal objectif est de permettre la publication facile de vocabulaires structurés pour leur utilisation dans le cadre du Web sémantique. SKOS est actuellement développé dans le cadre du W3C. News

by 1 other
The site is a community site that is the center for all Sesame-related development. Sesame is an open source RDF framework with support for RDF Schema inferencing and querying.

Aduna - Products

A company developping OOS for professional search, semantic middleware, and developer products

Aperture Framework : a Java framework for getting data and metadata

by 1 other
Aperture is a Java framework for extracting and querying full-text content and metadata from various information systems (e.g. file systems, web sites, mail boxes) and the file formats (e.g. documents, images) occurring in these systems.

18 October 2006


IkeWiki is a new kind of Wiki (a Semantic Wiki) that allows users to annotate pages and links between pages with semantic annotations. Such annotations are useful because they give machines a certain amount of "understanding" of the content that goes beyond merely displaying the page. This information can then e.g. be used for context-specific presentation of pages, advanced querying, consistency verification or drawing conclusions.

clochix's TAGS related to tag semantic

biblio +   blog +   daml +   database +   directory +   discussion +   eclipse +   engine +   extension +   firefox +   floss +   folksonomie +   forum +   framework +   java +   library +   ontology +   owl +   php +   plugin +   professional +   rdf +   rdfs +   research +   ressource +   ruby +   search +   semantic wiki +   sioc +   SKOS +   sémantique +   software +   SPARQL +   tag +   tool +   tools +   w3c +   web +   web_sémantique +   wiki +   wiki sémantique +