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PUBLIC MARKS from cinim with tag sex

February 2008

The Plus Side of Going Without Sex

straight talk on circumcision, pain during lovemaking, and the problem with separate bedrooms.

How to Achieve Orgasm During Intercourse

The missionary position with a full pelvic tilt. This position enables the penis to reach the G-spot, the part of the clitoris that extends into the vaginal wall

September 2007

Twelve Tips to Make Oral Sex Better

It's a subject that most people don't openly or honestly talk about, say Drs. Laura and Jennifer Berman. For some, oral sex is considered taboo. For others, it's a critical part of a healthy sexual life.

Madonna's sex toy gift

Madonna left husband Guy Ritchie's 39th birthday party carrying a 'Purple Penetrator' sex toy.

May 2007

Keira Knightley's sex tool

Keira Knightley loves stripping off naked in her films. The stunning actress, who is currently shooting sex scenes with Sienna Miller for new movie 'The Best Time of Our Lives'

How to Achieve Orgasm During Intercourse

For women who want to have an orgasm during intercourse, here are some positions and techniques that may help...

Cameron Diaz's slimy sex show

Cameron Diaz watched two topless beauties "rub slime on each other" at a racy New York sex show. The 'Shrek the Third' star partied until 4am at the Box nightclub on Christie Street and allegedly couldn't take her eyes off the racy adult show in the early hours of Wednesday

Lesbians Health

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Lesbians are twice as likely as heterosexual women to be overweight or obese, which puts them at greater risk for obesity-related health problems and death, U.S. researchers said. The report, published in the American Journal of Public Health, is one of the first large studies to look at obesity among lesbians.

Unsafe Sexual Practices During Pregnancy

What types of sex are OK? When it comes to sexual expression during pregnancy, the most important guideline is how it feels. Mothers-to-be should avoid sexual practices that cause significant discomfort or pain

Sexual Health-Orgasms

What is an orgasm? In 1953 a well-known therapist defined it as "an explosive discharge of neuromuscular tension". There are other definitions, but the word 'tension' comes up in most. Which suggests that when you have sex you deliberately wind yourself up just so that you can experience the pleasure of returning to normal afterwards.

Sexual Photographs: Surprise! Men Look At Faces, Women Focus On Sexual Acts

Researchers hypothesized women would look at faces and men at genitals, but, surprisingly, they found men are more likely than women to first look at a woman's face before other parts of the body, and women focused longer on photographs of men performing sexual acts with women than did the males.

Aphrodisiacs help sex performance? Have any experience?

Rhino horn is said to make men sexually unstoppable, and asparagus, bananas, eels, oysters, figs and ginseng are all reputed to get you going. Most of these foods are believed to have aphrodisiac qualities

Kim Kardashian Fears Grandkids Will See Sex Tape.

Kim Kardashian Fears Grandkids Will See Sex Tape.... Los Angeles socialite Kim Kardashian is "relieved" her sex tape nightmare is over but she still fears her grandchildren will be able to see her performing sex acts on ex-boyfriend Ray J.

Female Sexual Dysfunction - Increasing Sexual Desire and Arousal

What can increase sexual desire in women? A.At this time, there are no approved drug treatments for low sexual desire. However, a recent study of 66 women, ages 23 to 65,

April 2007

Stressed Brits Have Sex Less Than Twice Week

Brits are having sex less than twice a week on average - with just four-in-10 "satisfied" with their love lives, reveals a major new survey. An international phone poll of more than 26,000 people in 26 different countries shows we are too stressed out to perform in the bedroom.

cinim's TAGS related to tag sex

aphrodisiacs +   Brits +   cameron +   Desire +   Diaz +   health +   Kardashian +   keira +   Kim +   lesbian +   madonna +   men +   oral +   orgasm +   pregnancy +   sexual +   show +   tape +   tips +   tool +   toy +   women +