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PUBLIC MARKS from camel with tag dns


Acheminement des e-mails

L'acheminement des e-mails permet aux administrateurs de spécifier les règles de distribution du courrier entrant. La mise à jour des paramètres DNS de votre domaine peut avoir un impact sur la distribution des messages des utilisateurs. C'est pourquoi l'acheminement des e-mails vous donne plus de flexibilité pour la distribution des messages adressés à votre domaine. Vous pouvez activer l'acheminement des e-mails sur l'ensemble de votre domaine ou seulement pour certains comptes d'utilisateurs.

How To Install And Use The djbdns Name Server On Debian Etch | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by 1 other
djbdns is a very secure suite of DNS tools that consists out of multiple parts: dnscache, a DNS cache that can be used in /etc/resolv.conf instead of your ISP's name servers and that tries to sort out wrong (malicious) DNS answers; axfrdns, a service that runs on the master DNS server and to which the slaves connect for zone transfers; and tinydns, the actual DNS server, a very secure replacement for BIND.

How To Install And Use The djbdns Name Server On Debian Etch | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

djbdns is a very secure suite of DNS tools that consists out of multiple parts: dnscache, a DNS cache that can be used in /etc/resolv.conf instead of your ISP's name servers and that tries to sort out wrong (malicious) DNS answers; axfrdns, a service that runs on the master DNS server and to which the slaves connect for zone transfers; and tinydns, the actual DNS server, a very secure replacement for BIND.


Round Robin DNS Load Balancing - WebsiteGear

by 1 other (via)
How DNS load balancing works When the request comes to the DNS server to resolve the domain name, it gives out one of the several canonical names in a rotated order. This redirects the request to one of the several servers in a server group. Once the BIND feature of DNS resolves the domain to one of the servers, subsequent requests from the same client are sent to the same server.

Domain Expiration Check Shell Script

I’ve already written about a shell script to check / monitor domain renew / expiration date here. Now I’ve modified matt’s domain-check script to support additional C/TLDs .in, .biz, .org and .info domains. I’ve also added 5 seconds delay to avoid whois server rejecting query. This script checks to see if a domain has expired. It can be run in interactive and batch mode, and provides facilities to alarm if a domain is about to expire in advance.

SPF: FAQ/How does it work

Domains use public records (DNS) to direct requests for different services (web, email, etc.) to the machines that perform those services. All domains already publish email (MX) records to tell the world what machines receive mail for the domain. SPF works by domains publishing "reverse MX" records to tell the world what machines send mail from the domain. When receiving a message from a domain, the recipient can check those records to make sure mail is coming from where it should be coming from. With SPF, those "reverse MX" records are easy to publish: one line in DNS is all it takes.

The Perfect Setup - Debian Etch (Debian 4.0) | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

This tutorial shows how to set up a Debian Etch (Debian 4.0) based server that offers all services needed by ISPs and hosters: Apache web server (SSL-capable), Postfix mail server with SMTP-AUTH and TLS, BIND DNS server, Proftpd FTP server, MySQL server, Courier POP3/IMAP, Quota, Firewall, etc. This tutorial is written for the 32-bit version of Debian Etch, but should apply to the 64-bit version with very little modifications as well.


Auto-formation au DNS

by 1 other
Cet outil a pour vocation de vous initier à la maîtrise du nommage Internet dans ses composantes stratégiques et techniques.

Running A MySQL-Based DNS Server: MyDNS | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

n this tutorial I will describe how to install and configure MyDNS, a DNS server that uses a MySQL database as backend instead of configuration files like, for example, Bind or djbdns. This has the advantage that you can easily use web-based frontends to administrate your DNS records. You could even write your own frontend, e.g. using PHP, to interact with the MyDNS database. MyDNS simply reads the records from the database, and it does not have to be restarted/reloaded when DNS records change or zones are created/edited/deleted! This is a major advantage.


CentralNic Toolkit :: Welcome

The CentralNic Toolkit is CentralNic's system for instantaneous Registry-Registrar Communications. Registrars can use this system to register and modify domain names in real time, with no delays for human intervention or e-mail processing. The toolkit also provides advanced and efficient methods for searching for and querying domain names and whois records, and retrieving account information.

Vérifiez vos DNS et vos MX - Neokraft Blog -

il est toujours bon de vérifier vos DNS, vérifier que les serveurs de nom secondaires répondent bien, même chose pour les serveurs MX (relais de mail.) On peut commencer par utiliser nslookup[1] qui s'avère très pratique et est disponible sur n'importe quel UNIX et sur Windows. Utilisée simplement, la commande donne des informations de base sur le domaine

camel's TAGS related to tag dns

admin +   apache +   cache +   debian +   dig +   djbdns +   dnstracer +   domaine +   email +   exchange +   formation +   ftp +   google +   google aps +   hosting +   install +   linux +   load balancing +   mail +   mysql +   net:tools +   nom +   ping +   postfix +   proxy +   Round Robin +   script +   secure +   server +   setup +   sfp +   shell +   ssh +   tools +   tutorial +   ubuntu +   vnc +   web +