public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from bagou with tag php

January 2006

Effortless (or Better!) Bug Detection with PHP Assertions [PHP & MySQL Tutorials]

by 3 others (via)
If you're anything like me, you enjoy writing code a lot more than you enjoy testing and debugging it. If we could produce higher quality code with less test and debug effort, we'd jump at the chance, right?

November 2005

October 2005

September 2005

March 2005

Sparkline PHP Graphing Library

by 13 others (via)
We aim to increase the adoption of sparklines on the web by providing a high-quality PHP sparkline library. [...] Sparklines are "intense, simple, wordlike graphics"

Mixins for PHP

by 2 others (via)
I find mixins very useful in other languages. In Ruby, any class that implements the each method can utilize the Enumerable mixin. Enumerable is a class containing functions which use the each method including: find, grep, and reject. The functions are mixed into the new class's set of functions. Incidentally, that PHP does not implement mixins natively is not a criticism of PHP. PHP's design goals are different from Ruby's.

Alternative à HTML_Quickform : savant et Solar

by 1 other
Il semble que tous les moteurs de gabarits soient en train de de se plier à la génération et au traitement de formulaires.

Main Page - PHP Wiki

by 3 others (via)
Welcome to the PHP Wiki, a Wiki set up for PHP development, FAQ's and more. There are a lot of PHP sites out there, but rather few generic PHP Wiki sites, so: sign up, write a stub or two and help out with creating a PHP Wiki.

February 2005

Créer un Iterator avec PHP5

by 6 others

Le design pattern Strategy en PHP

by 3 others
Exemple en PHP du design pattern Strategy


DB_Table is an object-oriented interface to a database table. As a wrapper for the PEAR DB class, it provides methods to help you build automated create, insert, update, delete, and select functionality, and methods to automatically build input forms with HTML_QuickForm.

PHP and DOM: The Way of the Widget

by 1 other
Exemple d'utilisation de l'extension DOM de PHP pour créer des Widgets ... Ouverture vers un système de template XML pour PHP

Templates and Template Engines

by 1 other
Une bien belle réponse à la question: "Quel système de template PHP dois je utiliser?"

Comparatif des systèmes de template pour PHP

by 5 others
Comparatif des systèmes de template pour PHP - Les trackbacks

by 12 others
Une bonne présentation du concept de trackbacks avec exemple d'implémentation en PHP