public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tag career

May 2007

Career and Job Hunters, Worry No More!

As a leader in the online recruiting industry, Find A Job ( has revolutionized the way people manage their careers and the way companies hire talent. Find A Job tools and advice put job seekers in control of their careers and make it easier and more cost-effective for employers and staffing firms to find qualified candidates. In addition to its popular consumer job board, Find A Job provides employers, recruiters, and staffing agencies with progressive recruiting solutions and Job Hunting Tips.

March 2007

More great ideas for Real Estate opportunities

Prices are attainable and interest rates are low some call it a Buyers Market/Real Estate Directory. Anyhow now is just the right time to get approved and find the right Real Estate Listings to work with and help you thru the entire process. Sure as we forcast sales and evaluate the market changes over the past year you can buy or you can sell. Buying a home is an important decision and is typically the biggest investment a person will make. Clearwater Florida Real Estate helps sellers to sell their homes in Clearwater and Florida area specializing in water front homes and condos. Also helps buyers to find their dream home or condo throughout the Utah Real Estate MLS. Its specialty includes homes and condos in Salt Lake City, American Fork, and Bountiful condos, Clearfield, Cottonwood Heights, Draper.

February 2007

When a Friend Becomes Your Boss (or Vice Versa)

With demanding work schedules and long commutes, it’s no wonder that many workers make friends with their co-workers. But these friendships can be jolted by workplace changes, including promotions. When you become your friend’s manager — or your friend becomes yours — it changes not only your working relationship but also your friendship. Experts

September 2006

Top 10 Most Popular College Majors

If you’re currently pondering what to settle on as your major–or even if you’re just curious what tomorrow’s job applicants are majoring in today–here’s a top 10 list for you. A word of warning: The popularity of majors often has little to do with actual demand for related fields in the workplace. The career fields with the most opportunities do not always appeal to the student masses. And the majors that sound most exciting to students don’t always lead to equally snazzy-sounding jobs.

Quit work for a year: 7 steps to do it right

Taking a break may be just the thing to spark your spirits. But keep in mind these seven points to ensure that your mini-retirement doesn’t produce maxi-regret. It’s time for a break. It’s something everyone thinks about on occasion, but now an increasing number of people are taking mid-career sabbaticals as a way to refresh their creativity, or to do things they’ve always wanted to do.

August 2006

The 10 best U.S. cities to find a job

College grads often flock to New York City, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Chicago to start their careers. But they’d be far better off in Washington D.C., Phoenix and Las Vegas. Cabot, Vt., is a bad location if you want to work in politics but ideal if you’re interested in cheese. West Yellowstone, Mont., doesn’t have a huge finance sector, but i

July 2006

The Path To Freelance Success: The Secret Is Knowing Where To Look

Would you like to break out of a regular job and start freelancing? Perhaps you’ve got the skills, but are not quite sure where to start looking for work, or how to deal with the business side of freelance work? Freelance marketplace websites specialise in bringing together clients looking to outsource projects and skilled professional contractors

Job 2010: what expert look in IT field

Here’s a glimpse of what experts think the IT field will look like in four years — and some tips for getting prepared. In four short years, the current class of college freshmen will be scouting for jobs. In four short years, a significant percentage of the working population will reach retirement age. In four short years, the makeup of the U.S