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PUBLIC MARKS from Spone with tag typographie


Precise control over responsive typography · MadebyMike

It is possible to have precise control over responsive typography. Using calc() and viewport units you can create fluid type that scales perfectly between specific pixel values, within a specific viewport range.


Beautiful web type — the best typefaces from the Google web fonts directory

There are over 600 typefaces in the Google web fonts directory. Many of them are awful. But there are also high-quality typefaces that deserve a closer look. Below are examples of these typefaces in action. Click the examples to get the typeface from the Google web fonts directory.


Fico | a font with icons, by

by 1 other (via)
Fico is a font with 52* simple, commonly used icons and glyphs, served on the web via @font-face.19€

Web Symbols typeface

by 5 others
Web Symbols is a set of vector html-compliant typefaces, so it might be used in any size, color and browser (okey, mostly — but IE7 for sure).


Lettering.JS |

by 3 others
Web Typography is exploding all over the web. We developed a lightweight, easy to use jQuery plugin for radical Web Typography.

Fonts Used In Logos of Popular Websites | Build Internet!

by 1 other
This roundup was gathered through a combination of top notch Google-ing and What the Font?-ing.


by 1 other
Voici une traduction de de Richard Rutter, une ressource pour les intégrateurs et webdesigners souhaitant maîtriser le sujet encore jeune et parfois immature de la typographie appliquée à la page web.

webfnt-method - Project Hosting on Google Code

The goal of this project is to bring web fonts to every browser on every device. Using a hybrid of new @font-face technology and the older Cufón technology these scripts serve the best web font files to each browser.

2009|City Font Project

by 1 other
The City Font Project has the concept to realize the identity of city by importing respective indivisuality and attractiveness of the city into the font. By applying the font to the every media unitedly, the City Font does let the city identity build up, does let the citizen unite, and will be the tool to express the regional attractiveness effectively.

First handmade subpixel type family, ever | Typophile

by 1 other
It has x-height of 3 pixels, it is italic, inspired by old masters and most important – made by hand. You must not look too closely, because colors get visible. It’s work in progress.

Baseline - a designer framework by

by 11 others
Built with typographic standards in mind, Baseline makes it easy to develop a website with a pleasing grid and good typography. Baseline starts with several files to reset the browser’s default behavior, build a basic typographic layout — including style for HTML forms and new HTML 5 elements — and build a simple grid system. Baseline was born to be a quick way to prototype a website and grew up to become a full typographic framework for the web using “real” baseline grid as it’s foundation.

Designing the ultimate wayfinding typeface | Ralf Herrmann’s Typography Weblog

Over the last couple of years I have researched the design and use of typefaces used for signage, especially road signage. While road signs in general are scientifically researched for many decades in western countries, little is known about the parameters that lead to a maximum legibility of typefaces used in signage. And therefore the range of typefaces used on road signs is pretty wide.

PHP Typography 1.0 beta 3

PHP Typog­ra­phy is a PHP based solu­tion to greatly improve web typog­ra­phy. It fea­tures the fol­low­ing capa­bil­i­ties (includ­ing gran­u­lar con­trol): * Hyphen­ation * Spac­ing con­trol, includ­ing: glu­ing val­ues to units, widow pro­tec­tion, and forced inter­nal wrap­ping of long URLs & email addresses. * Intel­li­gent char­ac­ter replace­ment, includ­ing smart han­dling of: quote marks, dashes, ellipses, trade­marks, mul­ti­pli­ca­tion sym­bols, frac­tions, and ordi­nal suf­fixes (i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd) * CSS hooks for styling: amper­sands (class “amp”), acronyms (class “caps”), num­bers (class “num­bers”), ini­tial sin­gle quotes (class “quo”), and ini­tial dou­ble quotes & guillemets (class “dquo”).

The League of Moveable Type

by 16 others
We're done with the tired old fontstacks of yesteryear. Enough with the limitations of the web, we won't have it. It's time to raise our standards. Here, you'll find only the most well-made, free & open-source, @font-face ready fonts.