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PUBLIC MARKS from Spone with tag ajax


Offline.js – Handle your users losing their internet connection like a pro

by 2 others
Offline.js is a library to automatically alert your users when they've lost internet connectivity, like Gmail. It captures AJAX requests which were made while the connection was down, and remakes them when it's back up, so your app reacts perfectly. It has a number of beautiful themes and requires no configuration.


Socket.IO: the cross-browser WebSocket for realtime apps.

Socket.IO aims to make realtime apps possible in every browser and mobile device, blurring the differences between the different transport mechanisms. Under the hoods, Socket.IO will use feature detection to decide if the connection will be established with WebSocket, AJAX long polling, etc, making creating realtime apps that work everywhere a snap.


Wordpress plugin: Related Posts -

by 1 other
This WordPress plugin lets you manually select related posts using a nifty AJAX powered search utility. A powerful tool for boosting pages per visit and SEO.


Déceler une requête Ajax en Php | Jay Salvat, le Blog

Il n'existe pas de moyen automatique d'identifier ces requêtes. Les principales librairies javascript comme Prototype ou jQuery s'accordent pour envoyer un paramètre dans l'en-tête HTTP de la requête afin qu'elle puisse être reconnue. Ce paramètre est X-Requested-With : XMLHttpRequest. Tirons partie de cette information pour faire la fonction Php adéquate.

FaceBook Like - jQuery and autosuggest Search Engine

This autosuggest search engine is inspired from facebook for design, use jQuery as ajax framework and BSN Autosuggest libs. Features : - Autosuggest and ajax support - Support search plugins - Support cache - Cross Browser support ( IE > 5.5, FireFox, Safari, Opera )

Ajax auto-suggest / auto-complete | BrandSpankingNew

by 5 others, 1 comment
The AutoSuggest class adds a pulldown menu of suggested values to a text field. The user can either click directly on a suggestion to enter it into the field, or navigate the list using the up and down arrow keys, selecting a value using the enter key. The values for the suggestion list are to provided as XML, or as JSON (by a PHP script, or similar).


The Lightbox Clones Matrix « planetOzh

by 21 others
Comparison of various scripts that display images and other objects in somehow cool CSS popups