public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Newspartnergroup with tag robots

April 2008

New technology for cameras, robots, medicine measures smiles

The breadth of a smile can be measured by new technology from Japanese electronics and health care company Omron Corp.

November 2007

Photos: Robots at play and work

The 2007 International Robot Exhibition, which began Wednesday and runs through Saturday, is sponsored by the Japan Robot Association

Robots, lasers used to milk cows at Manitoba farm

Cows at the farm line up by themselves and enter an automated stall one by one. A laser identifies each cow by a tag on the animal's neck, telling the machine where to place the automated milking equipment.

Kindergarten and robots: Nyack has matched the two with good results

Nyack schools introduced robotics to middle-school students last year as an after-school class, then moved it into the classroom this year as a special component of the technology course.

October 2007

Sex with robots "not far away"

Netherlands university student David Levy, who recently completed his PhD on the subject of human-robot relationships, told LiveScience that robots will become so human-like in appearance, function and personality that many people will fall in love with them, have sex with them and even marry them.

August 2007

Unmanned aerial robots patrol Russian airspace

Russian design bureaus are currently working on the development of UAVs to be used for a variety of purposes e.g. reconnaissance systems for target detection and recognition to relay targeting coordinates to manned reconnaissance and strike aircraft. Various types of UAVs including unmanned helicopters are being developed. The systems capable of flying independently up to 10-12 hours will be either air-launched or deployed into aircraft-type flight.

May 2007

Should we be worried by the rise of robots?

The Japanese are trying to create a robot that will take over childminding and care of the elderly from human beings. The Koreans are working on a robot sentry that can distinguish the movement of people and shoot them on sight. The US military have commissioned a robot helicopter with a recoil-less rifle capable of tracking and killing a particular individual ...So are these machines a threat?

March 2007

Military to use bomb-sniffing robots

As the war in Iraq enters its fifth year, the federal government is spending more money on military robots and the two major U.S. robot makers have increased production.