public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Newspartnergroup with tag hackers

April 2008

Hackers hit one in 10 big companies: study

Very large companies remain the main target for hackers and 20 percent detect hundreds of significant attempts to break into their network every day.

November 2007

Trojan Attack by Hackers Invades Macs

This new threat shows that no system is impenetrable to hackers and users have to be extra careful as to what they download off the Internet, no matter what their computer operating system.

June 2007

Hackers Spread Illegal Child Content Through Web Message Boards

According to experts at Sophos, the affected websites contain many posts that attempt to entice readers to various child pornography sites. The majority of the pages are on legitimate websites and one is even on a website designed for children. The posts are all found on message boards within these websites. All contain offensive words and hidden links to the pornography sites.

May 2007

Hackers hijack Chinese state TV signal

The incident occurred on the evening of May 1, when the broadcast of a popular singing contest on Guangzhou Satellite Cable Television was blacked out for up to 90 minutes, the Southern Metropolitan Daily reported.

April 2007