public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Jaks with tag "skin problems"

08 July 2008

How To Treat Enlarged Pores

Known as open comedones, blackheadsare plugs of sebaceous oil and dead skin cells which have choked the pore opening. The pore then expands and the plug of grease turns black on contact with the air.

29 May 2008

Pimples And Spots - Top Tips To Treat Them

Pimples and spots seem to turn up at the worst times. However, you don’t want to make them even worse by squeezing them and causing them to become inflamed and even lead to acne.

28 May 2008

How to Deal with Really Dry Skin

A great many people have skin that is light to moderately dry from time to time and don’t have much problem dealing with it. But skin that is very dry can be extremely uncomfortable and even painful. Dealing with really dry skin can be a problem, too.