public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from 84GHz with tag javascript


Hack Physics and JavaScript

let’s make a particle fountain!

Javascript in one pic

A picture that explains the JavaScript language and its features


by 1 other (via)
Ramjet makes it looks as though one DOM element is capable of transforming into another, no matter where the two elements sit in the DOM tree. It does so by making copies of the two elements (and all their children), setting a fixed position on each, then using CSS transforms to morph the two elements in sync.



Font‑To‑Width does not scale the font-size. Instead, it chooses a width or weight variant according to what fits best, and then allows for letter- and word-spacing adjustments as needed.


Einfaches Dropdown oder elegantes Styling

Eine moderne Website berücksichtigt mobile Endgeräte. In vielen Fällen setzen Webworker dafür auf CSS3-Media-Queries, bekannt unter dem Begriff »Responsive Design«. Auch die Navigation wäre einfach mit CSS zu gestalten, gäbe es da nicht das Problem mit der Hover-Funktion auf Touchscreen-Geräten.

DOM Monster Bookmarklet

by 1 other
DOM Monster is our answer to JavaScript performance tools that just don't give you the full picture.

Musical Keyboard - JS Dynamic Audio Synth

This keyboard works by generating Waveform Audio file data dynamically, converting it into a base64-encoded dataURI, and subsequently playing it using the HTML5 audio element from within your web browser. Basically, we're using math to make sounds. Hooray. This is different than other HTML5 pianos in that it doesn't use pre-recorded audio files, and that it's a little bit more refined.

Introducing TogetherJS ✩ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog

by 1 other (via)
TogetherJS is a service you add to an existing website to add real-time collaboration features. Using the tool two or more visitors on a website or web application can see each other’s mouse/cursor position, clicks, track each other’s browsing, edit forms together…

Conditionizr: the conditional free legacy, retina, touch, script and style loader

Conditionizr is a fast and lightweight (3KB) javascript utility that detects browser vendor - touch features and retina displays - allowing you to serve conditional JavaScript and CSS files.

Anima — CSS animations with a soul

With Anima it’s easy to animate over a hundred objects at a time.


Learn HTML5, CSS3, Javascript - video style tutorials | TheCodePlayer

by 1 other (via)
Learn HTML5, CSS3, Javascript and more... Video style walkthroughs showing cool stuff being created from scratch


by 1 other
Prism is a new lightweight, extensible syntax highlighter, built with modern web standards in mind. It’s a spin-off from Dabblet and is tested there daily by thousands.

Roundup of HTML-Based Slide Deck Toolkits

Slideshows und Präsentationen mit CSS und Javascript


JSFiddle | CSS-Tricks

online editor zum testen von JS, jQuery etc.

84GHz's TAGS related to tag javascript

animation +   audio +   bilder +   browser +   canvas +   charts +   code +   collaboration +   css +   css3 +   design +   editor +   formular +   html +   html5 +   internet +   jQuery +   navigation +   plugin +   präsentation +   Responsive +   retina +   script +   tools +   typografie +   video +   visualisierung +   webdesign +   webfonts +