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PUBLIC MARKS with tags web2.0 & springnetdelicious

17 July 2006


by springnet & 1 other
With all the 2.0 hype, I think it’s unfair to unanimously declare all new Internet startups as 100% junk. It can’t be much more than 95%. So I thought it would be an interesting diversion to switch the tone of my writing for a change. Here are some ti

16 July 2006

PreFound - How to

by springnet allows human users to (a) see what other humans have gathered by-hand from all places on the web, and have shared with the community and (b) gives these human users a technology which allows them to easily and efficiently gather

13 July 2006

KickApps — User-Generated Video & Social Networking at Your Website

by springnet & 1 other
It's fast and easy to offer your visitors a complete video-enabled community, directly on your website

Presentation Creation, Management and Sharing: Empressr by Fusebox

by springnet & 16 others
Empressr is the first Ajax/Flash-based web application that lets you create, share and store presentations online. It goes beyond current presentation applications by enabling you to incorporate rich media features, like streaming video and animation, to


by springnet & 1 other
We will also be writing a brief overview of the freeCSScart to give you more of a feel of what it will be like. We get many e-mails asking if they can get more info, so give us a couple more days and we will have that info for you!

12 July 2006


by springnet & 3 others
What will float and what will sink in the Web 2.0 space.

Resume Design | Resume Management | Resume Improvements |

by springnet & 9 others
When finding your perfect career , don't leave the most important parts up to chance. Writing a great resume and keeping it up to date is essential. Getting your foot in the door requires an organized approach and maybe even a little bit of networking. - Intellectual Activity on Web 2.0

by springnet & 2 others
How is it that the day I make a '33 places to social network' list, two very related things happen. Apparently Bebo turned down a $550 million offer from a British Telecom company and say they wanted a billion, and MySpace was named the top (most-traffick

33 Places to Hangout in the Social Networking Era -

by springnet
Social networks have had giant growth spurts over the past couple of years, and it seems there's one for everyone: from dogs to moms to book-worms to shoppers. Social networks, I think, more than anything give people a place to belong and to hang out. Bec

ClickTale :: Because every user has a story

by springnet & 17 others
ClickTale shows you the full story: every mouse movement, every click and every scrolling action. By using ClickTale you will gain insights that will improve your website's usability, enhance navigation, and increase effectiveness.

10 July 2006

activeCollab - open source project management and collaboration tool.

by springnet & 54 others, 2 comments
activeCollab is an easy to use, web based, open source collaboration and project management tool. Set up an environment where you, your team and your clients can collaborate on active projects using a set of simple, functional tools. 100% free!

MODx Content Management System | PHP Application Framework Features

by springnet & 1 other
MODx is the first free PHP CMS to offer an API that fully supports Web 2.0 Ajax technology thanks to Expect to see this grow more and more into our manager over time, but you can make use of it today in your own custom applications includ

Widgetoko | Your daily dose of widget-y goodness

by springnet & 10 others
Widgetoko tracks new and popular site widgets to put on your blog, homepage or profile. Delivered with a blog-a-liciously fresh flavour, for you to gobble down on a daily basis. »

O'Reilly Network: What Is Web 2.0

by springnet & 8 others
The bursting of the dot-com bubble in the fall of 2001 marked a turning point for the web. Many people concluded that the web was overhyped, when in fact bubbles and consequent shakeouts appear to be a common feature of all technological revolutions. Shak

smooth slide show

by springnet & 15 others
Using moo.fx and prototype.lite.js, this javascript slideshow system allows you to have a simple and smooth (cross-fading...) image slideshows and/or showcases on you website.

Cingo - Where Families Click.

by springnet & 2 others
Cingo is a simple, easy and powerful new way to experience the internet and organize your family in one great location! From the clean, uncluttered home page to feature-rich sections such as News, Movie Listings, and Shared Calendar and To-Do Lists, C

08 July 2006

02 July 2006

Light Reading - Video Site Cheat Sheet - Telecom Blog

by springnet
I don't pretend to know the subtle business model difference between YouTube and Metacafe, if there is one. Adding to my confusion is the fact that the same five "viral videos" seem to show up as the most viewed on every single video sharing site. How doe

26 June 2006

Out Over the Void:

by springnet lets you easily integrate your tags into your website. It acts like a drop in replacement for txp:linklist, but grabs your links from instead of Textpattern. Additional installation directions are provided with the plug

21 June 2006 > OpenSearch

by springnet & 8 others
OpenSearch is a set of simple formats for the sharing of search results. Any website that has a search feature can make their results available in OpenSearch™ format. Other tools can then read those search results. For example, here is an aggregator tha - a cool blend of and

by springnet & 30 others is a social news site and is a social bookmarking or tagging site. Below you can observe a live view of the action on these two sites without having to reload your browser. If a site interests you click on it to check it out, then ret

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last mark : 17/07/2006 20:32