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PUBLIC MARKS with tag "web 3.0"


Après Prism, à l'Europe de créer un Web 3.0 responsable

by toki
Pour y arriver il faut des travaux pour construire. C'est ce que fait Pierre LEVY avec IEML Explications : Pierre LEVY




Web Squared, transition vers le web 3.0 ou nouveau paradigme ? >

by Nissone
- Implied Metadata : des métadonnées générées automatiquement et des systèmes auto-apprenant - Information Shadow : des infos pour chaque objet, personne, lieu… - Real-Time Web : informations et interactions sociales en quasi temps réel - Data Ecosystems : des bases de connaissances structurées, ouvertes et universelles


Adobe - Developer Center : The end of the web as we know it

by mozkart (via)
This article is divided into three parts: an analysis of the web today, an analysis of what has already died or is dying, and a look forward at aspects of Web 2.0 that are creating problems and will likely die in the next five years.


Web 2.0 People Search Engines

by arnaudfischer
If Web 1.0 was about linking information then Web 2.0 is really about linking people as pointed out by Mills Davis from Project10. The social network phenomenon is creating an unprecedented and growing amount of buzz and is already channeling significant amounts of traffic around. IceRocket Blog Trends reports about 400 posts a day referring to the phrase "social network". Nielsen BuzzMetrics Blogpulse shows an increase of 200% in 6 months from 0.015% blog share of voice in March 2007 to over 0.045% in September 2007.

Von Maschinen lernen

by helmeloh
“Von Maschinen lernen” oder “Was nützt viel guter content, wenn ihn keiner versteht”. Kann man von Maschinen lernen? Ich denke, ja. Was man lernen kann? Ich finde...

Web 3.0 at UbiKann

by mozkart (via)
Traduction de l’article Web 3.0 en français, publié dans le magazine A List Apart, illustration de Kevin Cornell et écrit par Jeffrey Zeldman

RDF pour les poètes - 2004-08-05 - Carnet Web Karl

by mozkart & 4 others (via)
RDF est une des technologies dont je parle souvent sur ce site. Elle est une des briques fondamentales du Web sémantique et est très souvent mal comprise ou mal aimée à cause de sa syntaxe XML peu compacte. Je vais tenter comme je l'ai dit il y a quelques jours d'expliquer RDF et son modèle de graphe pour tous, même les poètes qui vivent dans la forêt.

Entrepreneurs See a Web Guided by Common Sense - New York Times

by mozkart
Today researchers are pushing further. Mr. Spivack’s company, Radar Networks, for example, is one of several working to exploit the content of social computing sites, which allow users to collaborate in gathering and adding their thoughts to a wide array of content, from travel to movies. Radar’s technology is based on a next-generation database system that stores associations, such as one person’s relationship to another (colleague, friend, brother), rather than specific items like text or numbers. One example that hints at the potential of such systems is KnowItAll, a project by a group of University of Washington faculty members and students that has been financed by Google. One sample system created using the technology is Opine, which is designed to extract and aggregate user-posted information from product and review sites. One demonstration project focusing on hotels “understands” concepts like room temperature, bed comfort and hotel price, and can distinguish between concepts like “great,” “almost great” and “mostly O.K.” to provide useful direct answers. Whereas today’s travel recommendation sites force people to weed through long lists of comments and observations left by others, the Web. 3.0 system would weigh and rank all of the comments and find, by cognitive deduction, just the right hotel for a particular user. “The system will know that spotless is better than clean,” said Oren Etzioni, an artificial-intelligence researcher at the University of Washington who is a leader of the project. “There is the growing realization that text on the Web is a tremendous resource.” In its current state, the Web is often described as being in the Lego phase, with all of its different parts capable of connecting to one another. Those who envision the next phase, Web 3.0, see it as an era when machines will start to do seemingly intelligent things.

Web 3.0: When Web Sites Become Web Services

by mozkart (via)
Web 3.0: When Web Sites Become Web Services Written by Alex Iskold / March 19, 2007 / 45 comments Today's Web has terabytes of information available to humans, but hidden from computers. It is a paradox that information is stuck inside HTML pages, formatted in esoteric ways that are difficult for machines to process. The so called Web 3.0, which is likely to be a pre-cursor of the real semantic web, is going to change this. What we mean by 'Web 3.0' is that major web sites are going to be transformed into web services - and will effectively expose their information to the world.

Minding the Planet: Web "Me2.0" -- Exploding the Myth of Web 2.0

by mozkart & 1 other (via)
Web "Me2.0" -- Exploding the Myth of Web 2.0 By the way, as long as everyone is questioning the term,"Web 3.0" can we also please stop calling everything "Web 2.0.?" I am so tired of Web 2.0! Web 2.0 is a myth -- there is no Web 2.0. It's just the same Web, with more social features, tagging and AJAX. And so far Web 2.0 has not been very impressive. Not only that but the majority of "long-tail" Web 2.0 apps that are flooding the market will all be gone in a few years. It's really easy for anyone to throw some AJAX on a page, add some tags, and make a nice UI. But that's not enough to create lasting value. Worse still, many of the Web 2.0 apps that are now emerging are simply versions of earlier ones -- I call this phenomenon "Web me2.0" (Web me-too-dot-oh).

A List Apart: Articles: Web 3.0

by mozkart (via)
Less noise, more signal Let us now define and disclaim. The jerk at the library event was in love with his own noise, and the problem with noise is that it interferes with signals. What is the signal? What, if anything, does “Web 2.0” mean? What is the good thing that the hype risks obscuring? Well, there are several good things, it seems to me. Some small teams of sharp people—people who once, perhaps, worked for those with dimmer visions—are now following their own muses and designing smart web applications. Products like Flickr and Basecamp are fun and well-made and easy to use. That may not sound like much. But ours is a medium in which, more often than not, big teams have slowly and expensively labored to produce overly complex web applications whose usability was near nil on behalf of clients with at best vague goals. The realization that small, self-directed teams powered by Pareto’s Principle can quickly create sleeker stuff that works better is not merely bracing but dynamic. As 100 garage bands sprang from every Velvet Underground record sold, so the realization that one small team can make good prompts 100 others to try. The best and most famous of these new web products (i.e. the two I just mentioned) foster community and collaboration, offering new or improved modes of personal and business interaction. By virtue of their virtues, they own their categories, which is good for the creators, because they get paid.

Le Web 3.0 verra-t-il la fin des blogs ?

by mozkart & 1 other (via)
Le Web 3.0 verra-t-il la fin des blogs ? Jeremy Chone a proposé fin novembre une vue simplifiée de l’évolution du Web entre sa version 0 et sa version 2, celle du (trop ?) fameux Web 2.0. Ce qui n’a pas — me semble t’il — été donné comme conclusion, c’est que le Web 3.0 pourrait voir la fin des blogs ! » Vers le web 3.0 ?

by mozkart (via)
Pour Markoff, ce web 3.0 s’appuie sur la fouille des connaissances humaines, comme Google l’a exploitée avec son Page Rank (qui interprète les liens d’une page web à une autre comme un vote). Et de donner une somme d’exemples à sa thèse : “Nous allons d’un web de documents connectés à un web de données connectées”, explique Nova Spivack, de Radar Networks, une start-up qui exploite le contenu de sites de réseaux sociaux et qui signalait il y a peu, sur son blog, son ras-le-bol du web 2.0 (“Détruire le mythe du web 2.0″). KnowItAll, issu d’un groupe de recherche de l’université de Washington, extrait et agrège l’information de sites de critiques de produits pour donner des informations compréhensibles à l’usager. Ainsi, aujourd’hui, pour avoir une information sur un voyage, vous devez passer en revue de longues listes de commentaires glanées sur le web. Avec le web 3.0, le système vous classera tous les commentaires et trouvera, par déduction cognitive, le bon hôtel pour votre besoin particulier. “Dans son état actuel, le web est souvent décrit comme étant dans sa phase Lego, avec plein de parties différentes capables de se connecter les unes aux autres. Ceux qui portent la vision d’une prochaine phase, le web 3.0, le voient comme une ère où les machines commenceront à faire des choses apparemment intelligentes.”

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