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Frequently Asked Questions | Twitter Developers

by sylvainulg (via)
The old API has stopped working, and will be completely dismantled by March 2013. Better read the FAQ 'till then



Le guide pratique: Cultivez votre identité : Blog Personal Branding - Fadhila Brahimi

by fbrahimi & 1 other
J'ai eu l'honneur de participer à la réalisation d'un ouvrage collectif accéssible gratuitement à tous ceux qui souhaitent savoir comment gérer au mieux son identité et sa notoriété sur le Web. "Cultivez votre identité numérique" Réalisez dans le cadre de l'opération YouOnTheWeb par des experts du Personal Branding, de l'identité numérique et de l'e-réputation afin de vous donner conseils, astuces pour bien gérer votre identité et valorisez vos talents sur le Web. Il s'agit d'une première version ; vos commentaires et suggestions sont donc les bienvenus afin de l'améliorer. Cliquez sur l'image pour visualiser en grand l'e-Book. Bonne lecture.

Personal Branding aus ervice de l'Entreprise et du Dirigeant dans le magazine L'Eco : Personal Professional Branding Blog-Fadhila Brahimi

by fbrahimi
Interview de Fadhila Brahimi, PDG FB-Associés dans le magazine de l'Eco du mois d'Avril 2009. Dans la parution dédiée aux résultats des élections présidentielles en Algérie présentant les orientations de Boutelfika 2009-2014, vous trouverez l'interview que j'ai donnée à Saou Boudjemâa sur le Personal Branding des Dirigeants et le marketing relationnel en entreprise.

HelloTxt Status Manager :: Update and Read Status from many Social Services like Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, Pownce, Jaiku, FriendFeed

by ycc2106 & 6 others
HelloTxt lets you update your status and read your friends' status across all main microblogging and social networks all at once...

Twitter 101

by patozore
How To + applications twitter

Pretty Tweet

by patozore
Designer Twitter, pour personnaliser Twitter

by patozore & 1 other
partage mp3 sur Twitter


What if twitter dissapeared? Top 40 Twitter alternatives w/reviews

by spaceufo
Could you continue if Twitter went down permanently? Will web 2.0 be the same? How will your disciples know what you're doing? Is there an alternative? These are questions we all have to ask ourselves in this grave predicament. With Twitter's continued downtime over the past year users have begin looking at alternatives. But before we look at those, let's first look at the worst case scenario of twitter going down permanently now and then let's come together to discuss it in hopes we find a solution.

Contextual Discussions - The most important feature of

by dhiraj
The best thing about collaborating via comments is the fact that the comments always remain attached to the content (or the context) of the stuff that you were working on. Its always search-able and reference-able by any body else that is interested in or joins the team.

Twitter-ing in the Enterprise - are we kidding?

by dhiraj & 1 other (via)
Does the enterprise need another communication tool that lets them publish what they are doing at a given time to people / peers who would be interested in knowing?

A VC: From Twittergram to SwitchABit

by benoit

Which points out the issues and the opportunity with something like SwitchABit. A "bit router" is a very cool concept but to make it really useful, the team will need to understand a lot about why people put their digital content in various places. For example, I don't really want all of my twitter posts going to Facebook, my blog's twitter badge, and Tumblr. But I'd like some of them to go there. I don't want all my photos I send to twitter to go to Flickr, but I want some of them to go there. I don't want all my tumblr posts to go to this blog, but I'd love some of them to go there.


Active users

last mark : 15/10/2012 11:31

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Jeremy B.
last mark : 15/06/2009 12:29

last mark : 18/04/2009 15:13

last mark : 02/04/2009 06:57

last mark : 30/11/2008 16:46

last mark : 25/11/2008 12:13

last mark : 18/11/2008 09:43

last mark : 15/10/2008 18:32

last mark : 15/06/2008 14:10

last mark : 16/05/2008 16:59