public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag statistics

December 2011

April 2011

BuiltWith Web Technology Usage Statistics

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
An online tool for having some web technologies usage trends

March 2011

SmartViper - domain worth analyzer, historical statistics. Knowledge Is Power

by kathleen_vincent
Currently we use around 25+ open API sources researching the most popular domains and keywords. We store 402,365,128 records (for 3,511,870 domains) in our database and continue to grow. Our goal is to help webmasters check their competitors and understand why their ranks are so high. Besides that, on the basis of some of these conclusions we create useful summary tables for webmasters.

February 2011

Data Mining, Predictive Analytics, Statistics, StatSoft Electronic Textbook

by kathleen_vincent (via)
This Textbook offers training in the understanding and application of statistics. The material was developed at the StatSoft R&D department based on many years of teaching undergraduate and graduate statistics courses and covers a wide variety of applications, including laboratory research (biomedical, agricultural, etc.), business statistics, credit scoring, forecasting, social science statistics and survey research, data mining, engineering and quality control applications, and many others.

January 2011

December 2010

November 2010

October 2010

September 2010

August 2010

July 2010

June 2010

May 2010

Du taux d'usage de Foursquare | Clement vouillon

by alphoenix
Foursquare publie régulièrement des chiffres pour nous démontrer sa bonne santé, les derniers paliers importants en date étant le million d’inscrits et plus de 40 millions de check-in depuis son lancement. Néanmoins ils restent assez fermés (et c’est plutôt normal) sur le taux d’utilisation, le nombre de membres actifs, les stats par users etc… Je me posais donc la question de l’utilisation réelle du réseau social géoloc et vais tenter d’y apporter une ébauche de réponse dans cet article.

April 2010

Framework Usage Statistics

by brianwaustin
Frameworks Distribution percentages

Project ‘Gaydar’: An MIT experiment raises new questions about online privacy - The Boston Globe

by alphoenix
Two students partnered up to take on the latest Internet fad: the online social networks that were exploding into the mainstream. With people signing up in droves to reconnect with classmates and old crushes from high school, and even becoming online “friends” with their family members, the two wondered what the online masses were unknowingly telling the world about themselves. The pair weren’t interested in the embarrassing photos or overripe profiles that attract so much consternation from parents and potential employers. Instead, they wondered whether the basic currency of interactions on a social network - the simple act of “friending” someone online - might reveal something a person might rather keep hidden.

Active users

last mark : 20/12/2011 20:02

Xavier Lacot
last mark : 19/04/2011 12:53

last mark : 23/03/2011 07:52

last mark : 17/12/2010 08:56

last mark : 06/12/2010 11:46

last mark : 02/12/2010 09:03

Jeremy B.
last mark : 28/11/2010 14:13

last mark : 14/11/2010 18:44

last mark : 27/10/2010 17:50

last mark : 17/05/2010 09:52

last mark : 22/04/2010 20:30