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PUBLIC MARKS with tags groupe:clever-age & format

July 2007

Griffin Brown Weblog - 10 reasons to model XML with RELAX NG , not W3C XML Schema

by nhoizey & 1 other
There are lots of individual bits of information on why RELAX NG should be preferred all over the web. Here is an attempt to condense some of the key information into ten points …

InfoWorker Solutions: SOA: Canonical "Data" Model

by nhoizey
An important topic when designing service oriented systems is how to enable different services to share semantics to be able to be composed into working solutions

June 2007

ODF recule aux Etats-Unis, IBM reste serein - Actualités Architecture logicielle - Le Monde Informatique

by nhoizey
Les Etats américains traînent les pieds à transcrire dans leur législation l'adoption du standard ODF. Un lobbying appuyé, de lentes procédures et une complexité technique sont pointés du doigt. Pour IBM, la réponse est davantage dans la nature d

September 2006

Comparing XML office document formats: HTML, ODF, WordML, FO, Word2007 - O'Reilly XML Blog

by nhoizey (via)
People want to know how easy it is to convert from the kind of XML they generate into other purposes. So I loaded a simple HTML file with headings, paragraph, table and list and converted it to various office XML(ish) formats: HTML (through Word 2000), WordML (through Word 2003), pre-standard ODF (SWT, through Open Office 2.0.2), ODF (through Open Office 2.0.2), as XML from the Office 2007 beta, and to XSL-FO using HTML2FO.

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last mark : 27/07/2007 13:17