public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag freelancer


jobLOVR - Encontra o teu freelancer

by jdrsantos
O jobLOVR ajuda-te a encontrar o parceiro certo para os teus projetos. Podes procurar pessoas que encaixam no perfil pretendido, pesquisando por competências, pessoas, cidades ou áreas de especialização.


Outsourcing To Elance, Odesk and The Philippines

by personmark
I found this video about choosing "on whom to outsource task" on a Blog of a Successful Online Marketer Mr. Rasmus Lindgren. Rasmus Lindgren experiments with lifestyle design, online business and outsourcing based on the principles of "The 4-Hour Workweek". He's currently down to only working six months per year and has a second home in Thailand. This blog is all about changing your life and following your passion!



...Pour une culture visuelle en France - [LSD]

by kruty (via)
Graphistes, designers en France, nous vous incitons à ne pas participer aux concours et appels d’offres qui ne prévoient pas de rémunération pour votre travail, et à ne pas démarcher en proposant des idées gratuites : le seul résultat à long terme est la détérioration de notre profession...


GF visuelle Kommunikation/Grafik- und Webdesign aus Aachen

by giselher (via)
GF visuelle Kommunikation aus Aachen bietet Grafik- und Webdesign für die Erstellung CMS gestützter Internetseiten (Content Management System mit der Möglichkeit Zugriff auf die Inhalte der homepage zu haben und eigene Daten einzupflegen) sowie einer Vielzahl von Werbemitteln für die Printmedien (Prospekte, Anzeigen, Verpackungen, etc.) und die Gestaltung eines Firmen Logos inklusive der entsprechenden Geschäftspapiere (Corporate Design)

Professional on the Web

by alessani & 4 others (via)
Professional on the web is a directory where web agencies and freelancers can list their profiles and easily manage showcase of their projects. Users can search web professionals by tag and also rate projects instantly. No need to register or sign in. You can subscribe to the ever increasing list of designers and projects being added to Professional on the web via RSS

--==|[ The Visitors ]|==--

by Psyké
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The true social community for gamers. If you want have fun and share your passions, OK its the good place :-) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FreeLancer, jeu vidéo, jeux vidéo, video game, video games, multijoueurs, multiplayers, en ligne, on line, online,, thevisitors, the visitors, visitors, space opera, VCS, the Visitors Communication System ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

CNX Translation - Thai Translation Service

by onanong
Freelance provides translation, proofreading, interpreting and voice recordings services from English to Thai.


Active users

last mark : 29/10/2012 10:06

last mark : 19/07/2011 00:30

last mark : 22/12/2009 08:48

last mark : 17/05/2008 08:50

last mark : 14/02/2008 23:39

last mark : 09/02/2008 11:47

last mark : 24/10/2007 12:35

last mark : 20/04/2007 09:29

last mark : 12/04/2007 09:17

last mark : 25/03/2007 13:12

last mark : 13/01/2007 18:25

last mark : 06/11/2006 16:20