public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags district & differentiation

October 2007

The Space Place :: Planet X-treme Weather

by knann
Interesting comparison of EXTREME weather on other planets. Could be adapted for Clicker5

SymbolWorld - The planets

by knann
Informative website about the planets with audio and symbol support.

September 2007


by knann
Outstanding resource for high school algebra,american government, AP biology,calculus,environmental science,physics,religion,and us history. Multimedia materials for differentiation and engagement. Interactive with full course materials. Added bonus: register as a teacher and customise the course materials and then we can add a link to your teacher website or the internet resources page.

July 2007

Singing Science Records

by knann
Science songs on topics of space,energy &motion, weather, and nature. Right click, choose "save Target As" to download the MP3. Songs are definitely dated, but older students and music teachers may enjoy updating the music style, perhaps to a rap tempo or, be inspired to create their own songs. Good resource for differentiation.

Robot Odyssey

by knann
An educational game that teaches the basics of programming through wiring together logic gates. Within the game you solve puzzles by programming robots so they can move around, grab objects, and communicate with each other.

June 2007

MathSite: An Interactive Source for Seeing, Hearing, Doing Mathematics

by knann
The exhibits of the MathSite are intended for people of all ages who are interested in or are curious about mathematics. No specialized mathematical knowledge or expertise is assumed.

Return of the 17 Year Cicadas

by knann
Relaxing and informative movie created by college students. Might be useful for differentiation

Windows to the Universe

by knann & 6 others
Science site with rich resources. A great feature is the beginner, intermediate, and adanced views available on every page for every topic. Good for differentiation!

Technology for Differentiated Instruction

by knann
The primary purpose of this wiki is to collect and share resources that link computer and information technology with differentiated instruction. Please add and annotate links, fix or remove broken links, and add to annotations or descriptions based on your experiences.

March 2007 : just click & teach.

by knann
Lessons, materials, and downloads for differentiated instruction K-6. Requires subscription.

January 2007

Grade 6 Mathematics

by knann (via)
Outstanding resource from Learn Alberta. Twenty one lessons for key concepts in math for grade 6, overview of problem solving strategies, a glossary, and activities for reinforcing number facts (operations) via various strategies. Use of animation video and sound make this an engaging site for students.

December 2006

A Different Place

by knann (via)
Are you frustrated trying to meet the academic needs of high-ability and gifted students in the classroom. This may be the place for you. ... a place on the Web to find differentiated activities in all content areas!!

November 2006

The Lexile Framework for Reading

by knann
The Lexile Framework for Reading is a scientific approach to reading measurement that matches readers to text. The Lexile Framework measures both reader ability and text difficulty on the same scale, called the Lexile scale. This approach allows educators to manage reading comprehension and encourage reader progress using Lexile measures and a broad range of Lexile products, tools and services. Lots of online tools | Download books, magazines, newspapers and radio shows

by knann
Subscription service (various plans). Get mp3 files for your pc, ipod, mp3 player, or burn to cd to listen to your favorite books.

CLiCk, Speak Features

by knann
Reading with a simple interface - CLiCk, Speak is designed to be as easy to use for sighted users as possible. The interface is completely mouse driven; there's no need to remember any key combinations. Reading through a page is as simple as placing the cursor and hitting the GO button; reading a selection is as easy as highlighting the text and hitting the SPEAK button.

..::The Hobby Shop::..

by knann
Engaging, Interactive science simulations. Explore projectile motion, chemistry, rocketry, a virtual microscope, and complete experiments based on the Periodic Table. Good for enrichment. Teacher resources available.

1-Click Answers

by knann
Alt-Click in Windows or (Mac OSx Command+Option+G) on any word in any program on your screen for an instant, pop-up AnswerTip that won't interrupt your work. For vocabulary words, instant definitions and real voice buttons to hear the word aloud. - Online web dictionary & thesaurus word linking lookup reference tool.

by knann
VoyCabulary makes the words on any webpage into links so you can look them up in a dictionary or other word-reference-site of your choice, by simply clicking on the words.

ATTO: Assistive Technology Tutorials

by knann
Download PDF or PwerPoint tutorials for Intellikeys and Overlaymaker

Teacher Resource Center Web Resources for the Gifted

by knann
subject specific web resources for teaching to the gifted student

Teacher Resource Center for Gifted Students

by knann
Links to a few websites with lesson plans targeted toward higher level students.

Project Participate, Strategies for active inclusion

by knann
This section is a resource for assistive technology specialists and others who use technology to promote learning and the inclusion of students with disabilities in the school setting. Here you will find a collection of technical tips, step by step directions and fact sheets on a wide variety of software programs and adaptive hardware.

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last mark : 13/10/2007 21:52