public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags business & ajax

September 2007

Simple todo list and task manager: Todoist

by springnet & 10 others
Todoist features a simple and intuitive interface that helps you get organized without getting in your way. You can also use keyboard shortcuts to achieve blazing efficiency.

August 2007

On-line Social Internet Bookmarks

by chernobylnews
Video, Music, Software, Programming, Design, Linux, Tools, Technology, Blog, Business, Web, Mac, Free, Opensource, Funny, Reference, Web20, Computer, Ajax, Php,

April 2007


by auction
Welkom op Nirlaw Hypotheek en notaris . Nirlaw Hypotheek en notaris huishoudelijke-regelement-flat geeft u uit diverse bronnen actueel nieuws en links op het gebied van huishoudelijke-regelement-flat. Zo toont Nirlaw Hypotheek en notaris huishoudelijke-re

Professional on the Web

by giovannelli (via)
A portfolio directory for Web Agencies and Freelancers who want to manage a quickly showcase of their projects.

Professional on the web

by sius & 4 others
A portfolio directory for Web Agencies and Freelancers who want to manage a quickly showcase of their projects.

October 2006

August 2006

June 2006

ajaxWrite -AJAX for Everyone

by rikaizm & 12 others
ajax ワードプロセッサ

May 2006

voo2do : simple, beautiful web-based to-do lists

by slogoo & 52 others
你可以利用voo2do做到以下几点:# 组织计划任务# 跟踪时间并提醒# 通过email添加任务 # 发布任务# 像纸一样简单易用# 有好的AJAX界面# 提供API# 改进个人生产力

9cays: Take the pain out of group email

by slogoo & 7 others
9cays是一个群组对话的工具. 对话可以在用户的web页面上阅览和管理. 以前的群组讨论, 用户会使用邮件抄送的形式. 9cays就是替代了邮件抄送, 直接让参与讨论的每个人在网页上直接参与讨论.

Active users

last mark : 01/09/2007 14:20

last mark : 09/10/2007 15:24

last mark : 12/04/2007 10:03

last mark : 12/04/2007 09:19

last mark : 11/04/2007 12:29

last mark : 09/04/2007 01:35

last mark : 10/10/2006 17:03

last mark : 18/08/2006 03:13

last mark : 21/06/2006 07:53

last mark : 20/06/2006 15:16

last mark : 30/05/2006 02:13