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PUBLIC MARKS with tag "business model"







Googleの言う「オープン性」の真の意味とは? - ITmedia エンタープライズ

by kuroyagi

Achetez votre plaque et soutenez l'indépendance de Rue89 | Rue89

by srcmax

En revanche, à l'image de ce qui se fait plus communément aux Etats-Unis qu'en France, et pour répondre à des questions répétées de riverains soucieux d'apporter leur contribution, nous ouvrons désormais la possibilité pour tous ceux qui, dans une démarche citoyenne, veulent soutenir et renforcer l'indépendance de l'information, de le faire concrètement.


Venture Capital - Tim Howgego

by mozkart (via)
In such a fiercely competitive environment, with such long odds, perfecting a business plan and pitch is clearly important. So learn from the 10 top mistakes:

The Long Tail: What does the Media Business Model mean?

by mozkart (via)
But when people think of the "media business model", they usually just think of advertising. That's a big part of it, to be sure, but as those of us in the media business know, it goes far beyond that.  Here's my start at a list all the revenue models you can find in the media industry, all based around a core of free or almost-free content:

A la une : La culture de la gratuité par Chris Anderson - le portail des livres et des idées

by tisienpo
C’est le principal intérêt de l’article qui rompt avec l’idée que la gratuité des contenus est rendue possible par la seule publicité. Il y a des dizaines de modèles écrit-il, dont il énumère quelques prototypes : le "freemium" (une version gratuite grand public, une version payante, et très chère, pour un petit nombre de professionnels) ; le modèle publicitaire (que Google est en train de transformer considérablement) ; les "cross-subsidies" ; le "zero marginal cost" ; le "labor exchange" ou encore le modèle du "gift" (cadeau) etc. Avec toutes ces formes de financements indirects ou parallèles, la "gratuité va devenir la norme, non plus l’anomalie".

Christophe Le Bot » Magento dévoile son business model

by kasi77 & 2 others
Varien, éditeur de la solution e-commerce open source Magento, vient de publier son programme de partenariat et, par la même occasion, offre un peu de visibilité sur son business model.

CMXtraneous: mySQL to be aquired by SUN

by mozkart
Well, it continues to happen and I'm not surprised. This time an open source company, mySQL, is bought by another company, SUN. I am curious, given the open source product development, as to the profits. See, a long time ago I heard a proprietary software developer laugh at the open source movement, something like "Someone is going to make a lot of money off of that and it won't be the contributors". Well it seems those words came to pass. The owners of mySQL are raking in a fortune while those who made it happen (the little people) got to participate.

CMXtraneous: The irony of open source software

by mozkart
Free, I like free. I use free stuff all the time. Firefox, Filezilla, 7zip, and Thunderbird every day, for example. My server is on some flavor of GNU/Linux with Apache, phpmyadmin, Horde, mySQL and PHP (which also includes, I’m sure, TONs more software). I have a Yahoo, Hotmail, Myway, Gmail, and AOL free email address. All of those have a variety of free to them, some are open source free (GPL, for example), some are closed source free, some are just used for free (like Google, for example) where there is no source to see. Now, with open source, it is more than mere “free” software – it carries a philosophy with it, that software should be free. The preamble to the license includes: The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free software for all its users. Now, where this all gets ironic is the drumbeat for donations. I have several extensions I use in Firefox and a couple of them make heartfelt, earnest pleas for money, after all, they spend considerable time creating the software. If I visit open source software sites that aren’t currently backed by a commercial company, 90% of the time they are asking/accepting donations (if the product is any good and widely used). So … which is it? Is it free or do you want money for it?

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "business model"

e-opinions +   etourisme +   réseaux sociaux +   sites communautaires +   smo +   social networking +   Vinivi +   web 2.0 +  

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