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PUBLIC MARKS with tags browser & mozilla



Mozilla to Ship TLS 1.3 in Firefox 52

by alamat (via)
Mozilla plans to implement the next version of the TLS specification in an upcoming release of its Mozilla browser. TLS 1.3 will be shipped in Firefox 52, which is scheduled for release in March 2017.


The First Browser Dedicated to Developers is Coming | The Mozilla Blog

by srcmax (via)
We’ve redesigned the browser by looking at it through a completely new filter to put developers’ interests first. It’s built by developers for developers so you can debug the whole Web, allowing you to more easily build awesome Web experiences. It also integrates some powerful new tools like WebIDE and the Firefox Tools Adapter.


Mozilla : Web Applications

by Krome & 1 other
Web Applications are built using HTML5, and can run in any modern browser or mobile OS. Read on to learn how to build them:


Poster :: Add-ons for Firefox

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
A developer tool for interacting with web services and other web resources that lets you make HTTP requests, set the entity body, and content type. This allows you to interact with web services and inspect the results... very neat and useful indeed!


Mozilla critique aussi le plug-in Google Chrome Frame -

by srcmax

« Je ne pense pas que ce type d'outil soit l'avenir du Web. Je préfère que Google conseille aux utilisateurs de passer à Chrome, plutôt que d'intégrer leur moteur dans Internet Explorer », explique-t-il en substance sur son blog. Comme Microsoft, il pointe du doigt les problèmes de sécurité. « Le plug-in désactive certaines fonctions d'Internet Explorer, et peut inquiéter les utilisateurs sur les questions de sécurité ».

Our Causes: Internet Health Check

by srcmax

You're not alone. According to a 2009 Forrester Research study, 60 percent of companies are using IE6 as their default browser at work, as their IT departments are reluctant to upgrade and support a current browser. If you're in this situation, we've put together a letter you can pass on to your IT department. Just copy and paste it into an e-mail and customize it as you see fit. Get your colleagues to send a letter too.


by ycc2106
Mozilla's mobile browser - Built on the same core technology as Firefox, Fennec has many of the same great features as the desktop version

Opening up conversation on browser interrogation tools with Browser Memory Tool Prototype on Dion Almaer's Blog

by oseres
Do you sometimes feel like the browser is a black box? We are building richer and richer applications on the Web platform and this means that developers are running up against new issues to debug and test. We feel like it is a great time to develop new tools that afford you the ability to look into the runtime to hopefully help you find a bug, or allow you to keep your application as responsive as possible. Today we want to start a conversation about some of our thinking, with the hope that you will join in. We have been taking a hard look at the tools landscape, and here is a presentation that gives you an idea of our thinking:

Internet Explorer décline toujours sur le Web - Actualités -

by srcmax, 3 comments (via)
Le navigateur de Microsoft abandonne toujours du terrain face à ses concurrents. D'après le baromètre de Net Applications, IE (toutes versions confondues) ne représentait plus que 67,4% des visites sur le Web au mois de février dans le monde. Un an plus tôt, la part d'Internet Explorer était encore de 74,88%.

01net. - Firefox 3.1, un accouchement difficile

by srcmax (via)
L'accouchement de Firefox 3.1 est plus compliqué que prévu. Ambitieuse, cette version donne du fil à retordre à l'équipe de développement. Attendue en janvier, la bêta 3 de la nouvelle version du navigateur open source avait été reportée sine die, en raison de bugs sérieux sur le nouveau moteur Javascript, TraceMonkey.


Mark Finkle’s Weblog » Fennec - M9 (User Experience Alpha)

by Xavier Lacot
Mozilla is releasing desktop versions of Fennec, the mobile version of Firefox targeted at being the concurrent of Iphone's Safari. As for the first tests, the user experience is rather convenient. It's w00t to be able to use flash on mobile devices!

L'histoire des users agents

by sdaclin & 6 others
Les navigateurs utilisent une chaîne de caractère pour se présenter lorsqu'ils arrivent sur un serveur mais voilà cette chaîne de caractère qui contient l'user agent ne porte pas toujours le nom du navigateur réel...

The Google Browser - The Truth about Mozilla

by marco & 1 other
While the importance and potential success of GBrowser are continually downplayed internally at Mozilla, the Lizard believes our new overlord, John Lilly, does not underestimate what Google can do

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag browser

bot +   crawler +   database +   internet +   reference +   robot +   spider +   web +  

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