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PUBLIC MARKS with tags amusant & musique

2008 - Shine On Me

by xibe
Une vidéo intense, difficile à regarder jusqu'au bout : on se sent obligé de mettre sur pause toutes les 30 secondes pour se pincer, se frotter les yeux. Mais qu'est-ce que c'est drôle ! :)

YouTube - MyHope (original song)

by xibe

How I hope that you forget your MySpace I hope it slips completely from your mind And I hope it stays up long enough for the next generation to find And I hope that it embarrasses your children I hope their bratty friends all forward it around And I hope that you forget your password So you cannot take it down


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last mark : 04/12/2008 16:22

last mark : 15/09/2008 14:20