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by parmentierf (via)
This is one of several semantic repositories that contains and publishes RDF and co-reference data, forming the underlying distributed storage model behind the RKB Explorer initiative. The data presented here comes from downloading and processing as many OAI archives from around the world as I could manage to harvest using OAI-PMH. The list of archives came from ROAR.


datagovuk provided by the Talis Platform

by CharlesNepote
Formulaire d'entrée pour requêter les données publiques du Royaume Uni au format SPARQL.

4store - Scalable RDF storage

by parmentierf
4store, an efficient, scalable and stable RDF database. Système de gestion de base de données RDF open source pour des grands volumes de données (annonce 15 milliards de triplets !!). Propose un sparql endpoint, une API REST pour ajouter ou enlever des données, un système de backup. Pas de précision sur la façon de supporter les graphes nommés. Pas de support de Jena ou Sesame.

Open Anzo

by parmentierf
Anzo includes both an open source enterprise-featured RDF quad store and a sophisticated service oriented, semantic middleware platform that provides support for multiple users, distributed clients, offline work, real-time notification, named-graph modularization, versioning, access controls, and transactions. Developers will discover a host of features we believe are necessary for the creation of sophisticated applications based on W3C semantic technology standards like OWL, RDF and SPARQL.


by parmentierf (via)
SPARCool offers a way to run SPARQL queries about any URI that follows the Linked Data principles by calling a simple URL based on the[;l=lang]/URI pattern.

Limites du modèle relationnel et Web sémantique | Les petites cases

by parmentierf
en quoi les technologies du Web sémantique constituent des réponses à certaines limites du modèle des bases de données relationnelles et donc en quoi elles peuvent avoir leur place dans les systèmes d'information traditionnelles


by parmentierf
Knoodl facilitates community-oriented development of OWL based ontologies and RDF knowledgebases.

Knowee / nhoizey

by nhoizey
Encore un site proposant l'agrégation de vos contenus sociaux, mais avec enfin une utilisation orientée Web Sémantique, notamment RDF et requêtage SPARQL !


Building Semantic Web CRUD operations using PHP

by parmentierf & 1 other
Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations are the most basic database operations, but they are also the most crucial. CRUD operations are typically done using the Structured Query Language (SQL) on relational database systems. As the Web is becoming more and more data-oriented, there is a need to shift from SQL-based CRUD operations to Semantic Web-based CRUD operations. Learn how to use PHP to perform CRUD operations over the Semantic Web.

ARQ - Property Paths

by greut

A property path expression (or just 'path') is similar to a string regular expression but over properties, not characters. ARQ determines all matches of a path expression and binds subject or object as appropriate. Only one match is recorded - no duplicates for any given path expression, although is the path is used in a situation where it's initial points is already repeated in a pattern, then this duplication is preserved.

RegExp ou XPath appliqué à un graphe? Intéressant, mais peut-être abscons.

Ubiquity SparqlBot = le Web sémantique pour tous | Les petites cases

by parmentierf & 1 other
C’est à une rencontre programmée que je vous convie ce soir, vous savez ces rendez-vous arrangés dont on est sûr et certain de l’issue, la rencontre d’Ubiquity et de Sparqlbot.

SPARQLBot - Your Semantic Web Commandline - benjamin nowack's blog

by parmentierf (via)
SPARQLBot is a web-based service that reads and writes Semantic Web data based on simple, human-friendly commands received via IRC or the Web. The command base can be freely extended using a browser-based editor. SPARQLBot can process microformats, RSS, several RDF serializations, and results from parameterized SPARQL queries.

Où s'amuser avec Sparql ? | Les petites cases

by parmentierf & 1 other
une liste non exhaustive des Sparql endpoint que vous pouvez interroger librement sur le Web.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag SPARQL

javascript +   library +   rdf +   rdfa +   semanticweb +   ubiquity +  

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