public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag "Functional Site"

04 August 2006

Learn Chinese - Private Lessons and Group Classes at Chinese Learning Center

by feision
Welcome to Los Angeles Chinese Learning Center (LACLC)! We are a non-religious and non-political organization that provides customized Chinese classes and online Chinese lessons in Los Angeles and other cities in the US and around the world. Please see our Private Instruction for more information. We also provide Chinese group class in Alhambra, Los Angeles County.

31 July 2006 - Webmaster Tools

by feision for Webmasters and Bloggers Add a novel element to your site or blog: Webmaster Tools. It's an easy way to integrate definitions, explanations and fast facts from reliable sources into your site content. With that kind of direct access to over three million topics, your site will not only be a great read, but an enriching resource. The free tools below are simple to incorporate and save time you'd normally spend explaining acronyms, jargon, or other terms that typically break the flow of writing... all that while spicing up your visitors' experience.

26 July 2006


by feision & 114 others
Create a personal Bloglines page loaded with the freshest news about the things you love.

24 July 2006

Mr. 6 » Blog Archive » 「火星文」要自己給自己加油

by feision
「火星文」要自己給自己加油 「網路新字特搜隊」(Wordspy)是一個已成立有段時間的美國網站,當初立意是看到網路上天天都有新的辭彙,在字典裡卻找不到,所以就組了一個「網路新字特搜隊」,也接受眾人自行推薦新字,最後能被他們認可為新字的唯一條件並不是「長得像英文」或是「一定要學者認可」,而是「曾在多處被引用過」。意思是說,今天「囧rz」這個字只要在幾個部落格裡提到,就可以被「單字偵探」給納入正式的字海,以後推薦給字典廠商。和「維基字典」的方式比起來,它要來得妥當正式一些。 但今天想討論的是,它們做這種事的「心」。這種open-minded的思維

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last mark : 04/08/2006 14:25