public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags 2005 & web

August 2006

April 2006

March 2006

굿디자인웹2005 _GoodDesignWeb 2005

by vista

January 2006

Download Squad

by somsak & 1 other

ISWC 2005 - CD-ROM (LNCS 3729)

by vista
The Semantic Web – ISWC 2005

December 2005

The Best Web 2.0 Software of 2005

by vista & 77 others
It's getting towards the end of the year and I'm feeling the need to take stock of where we've actually come with Web 2.0 in the last 12 months. So much has happened in this space recently and a tidal wave of innovative, high-quality software has been released this year. So much in fact, that it's hard to keep track of it all. While many of us talk about Web 2.0 ideas, there's no substitute for pointing to concrete examples. And this also gives credit where credit is due to all the hard-working folks building the next generation of the Web.

Best Web Companies and Innovators of 2005

by jackysee & 2 others (via)
Yahoo!, 37Signals, Memeorandum , Digg

The Best Web 2.0 Software of 2005

by onizuka & 77 others (via)
年尾的選舉活動又開始了,這次是2005最佳 web 2.0 軟件選舉

Top 10 Innovative Web 2.0 Applications of 2005

by vista & 14 others
2005 also brought many "me too" companies. It seemed like every other Web 2.0 application was "The Best Social Bookmarking Site" or "The Best Startpage Site" or "Another Boring To-Do List site". My only hope is that this nonsense ends a quick death by the end of this month. I am optimistic that 2006 is the year of "Web 2.0 Innovation". It is the next logical step...and I anticipate it with great enthusiasm.

The Best Web 2.0 Software of 2005

by jackysee & 77 others (via)
年尾的選舉活動又開始了,這次是2005最佳 web 2.0 軟件選舉

November 2005

no mínimo | .Comportamento | Web 2.0 molda a nova internet

by bcpbcp
'Mas, como tudo caminha em ciclos, uma hora esse suposto marasmo haveria de dar lugar à retomada do desenvolvimento. Assim, alguns pensadores digitais começaram a definir parâmetros para delimitar melhor essa evolução, chamando este novo estágio da internet de web 2.0. O termo partiu de Dale Doughrty, vice-presidente da O’Reilly Media (, respeitada companhia do segmento de tecnologia, e já está amplamente difundido no meio virtual. Por sinal, “Web 2.0 Conference” ( é o nome do evento da atualidade mais conceituado para a discussão de novas tendências da web, fruto justamente dos conceitos de Dale e Tim O`Reilly – presidente da firma que leva o seu sobrenome."

IT Conversations: Peter Norvig - Inside Google

by bcpbcp
Peter NorvigGoogleInside GooglePeter Norvig Play now: | Download MP3 | Help with Listening Link to it: Permalink | Create a Clip or Excerpt [runtime: 00:15:02, 6.9 mb, recorded 2005-03-15] Add this program to your personall program queue. Who's linking to this?At Google engineers and researchers are not two different groups of people. This culture is very unique to Google and Google shows off the product prototypes developed using this approach online at Google Labs. Most of these prototypes are built by Google employees who use 20% of their working time at Google to work on their own ideas.Google has expanded from searching webpages to searching videos, books, places and even files on your own desktop. This expansion is made possible though Google's understanding and classification of information, facilitated by the application of algorithms in the domains of Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence. Google has also made use of innovative technologies such as AJAX to improve the accessibility of web interfaces.Some of the products that have come out of the Google Labs experiment are Google Suggest which autocompletes queries as they're typed. Google Sets is another feature where you can specify two or more keywords and generate a whole set depending on the commonality and relationship between the two objects. Personalised search varies the results returned depending upon your profile and preferences. Google Maps allows users to explore territories by dragging the map in the direction they are interested in.

Web Essentials '05: Bringing a Web conference to the Web, by Jeffrey Veen

by bcpbcp (via)
"Last week I spoke at Web Essentials '05, an invigorating conference in Sydney, Australia. The folks attending were so engaged and excited"

Active users

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last mark : 05/04/2006 17:06

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last mark : 04/01/2006 09:19

last mark : 02/01/2006 03:09

last mark : 25/12/2005 09:33

last mark : 25/12/2005 05:40

last mark : 23/12/2005 16:11

last mark : 15/12/2005 10:37

last mark : 20/11/2005 15:24