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PUBLIC MARKS with tag best

This year



Best Web Hosting Services

by kanzor
What web hosting service provider should I choose? We are comparing the best and the most popular web hosting service providers.


Best Linux server distros

by kanzor
Here are some of the best Linux server distros available for system administrators and experienced users.

🛠 ❤️ Toolpage - online tools, generators, converters, encoders, etc. -

by decembre
The large collection of the most useful online tools: converters, generators, translators, calculators, encoders, decoders, etc. Easy to use and absolutely free!

🎬 VIDEO - SHORT - SF - CGI Animated Short Film HD: "Adam Short Film" By Unity Technologies - Findie

by decembre
TOP CGI Animated Adam Real-Time Rendered Short Film by Unity Technologies. Featured on Adam is a short film created with the Unity game engine and rendered in real time. It’s built to showcase and test out the graphical quality achievable with Unity in 2016. It runs at 1440p on a GeForce GTX980.


What Are The Benefits And Risks Of Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

by cwlsmelbourne
Do you want a flat tummy? Then you should book an appointment of the Best Gastric Sleeve Surgeon Melbourne from the complete weight loss solutions clinic. At our clinic, you get a complete weight loss solution so that you can achieve your fitness goal. We have state-of-the-art technology and the best team to give patients an effective result in weight loss surgery. Our booking process is simple and easily manageable so that patients don’t face any hassle while taking our services.


❤️ ART - BONNE Idées - Ces vélos dessinés à main levée ne rouleraient pas bien loin s'ils existaient

by decembre (via)
ART - Dessiner un vélo à main levée et de tête? A priori, ça ne semble pas bien compliqué. Sauf que sans modèle sous les yeux, le résultat risque en fait d'être assez éloigné de la réalité. Et quand bien même le croquis apparaîtrait satisfaisant, il renfermerait à coup sûr bon nombres d'erreurs qui rendrait le vélo en question inutilisable. Voilà le constat qu'à voulu mettre en évidence le designer italien Gianluca Gimini. Depuis 2009, cet artiste installé à Bologne s'amuse à aller voir des amis, des membres de sa famille et des inconnus pour leur tendre une feuille de papier et un crayon avant de leur demander de lui dessiner un vélo sur-le-champ. "Je me suis rapidement rendu compte que la plupart des gens avaient beaucoup de mal à se rappeler comment un vélo était fait. La majorité d'entre eux finissent par dessiner quelque qui ressemble à peine à un vélo", commente-t-il sur son site internet. Après avoir récolté des centaines de croquis, Gianluca Gimini a vu en 2016 qu'il avait entre les mains une source inestimable d'inspiration pour créer de nouveaux modèles. "Un seul designer ne pourraient jamais inventer tout ça, même en vivant 100 fois", assure-t-il.


❤️ ART - GIFs - GOOD séries - IWDRM - If We Don’t, Remember Me - (capturing the feeling) - Blogs Tumblr

by decembre & 5 others (via)
If We Don’t, Remember Me and Tech Noir prove just what’s possible with the format, capturing the feeling of a particular scene from a film in a way no static image can IWDRM is a series of animated movie stills started in 2010. A video installation was shown in exhibitions at the Contemporary Arts Museum (Houston, TX), &FOAM (Amsterdam) and The Event (Birmingham).


🛠 GitHub - CDN - RawGit tool

by decembre
For use on production websites with any amount of traffic. Files are served via MaxCDN's super fast global CDN. No traffic limits or throttling. It's best to use a specific tag or commit hash in the URL (not a branch). Files are cached permanently after the first request. The catch: this is a free service, so there are no uptime or support guarantees.

🛠 RegExp - Regular Expressions for the Rest of Us

by decembre
How to Write Regular Expressions ? The best way to learn regular expressions is by using an example. Let's say you're building a web page with a phone number input.


Konusunda Uzman Bir Şirket CSY Marine

by Modelimo
CSY Marine, denizcilik sektöründe dikkat çeken bir şirket olup, çok sayıda markanın bayi ve distribütörlüğünü yapmaktadır.

2014 Zigon Sehpa Modelleri

by Modelimo
Zigon sehpalar iç içe geçmeli oldukları için tercih edilmektedir. Bu sayede hem az yer kaplayıp hem de çok yönlü ve kullanışlıdırlar. 2014 yılında zigon sehpalar oldukça geliştirilmiş ve yeni fonksiyonlar eklenerek kullanışlılıkları artırılmıştır.

Balo ve Mezuniyet Elbise Modelleri – Gece Elbiseleri

by Modelimo
Gece elbiseleri. Gece Elbisesi Modelleri. Gece elbiseleri 2014 Modası. Balo ve Mezuniyet elbiseleri. Balo ve Mezuniyet elbise modelleri 2014. Bu yıl hangi gece, balo ve mezuniyet elbiseleri moda ?

🛠 CSS XUL - Firefox Interface : Chrome element names and IDs - MozillaZine Knowledge Base

by decembre (via)
When editing userChrome.css, you must add CSS selectors based on the element names and IDs/classes of the XUL user interface. There is no comprehensive listing of every single possible selector to use when styling the user interface (just as it would be silly to create such a comprehensive list for a web page), but a few of the more common and interesting selectors are listed below. The best way to discover how to select an element in the user interface is to use the DOM Inspector.

🛠 CSS - NEWS feature: 2014 - @supports

by decembre
@supports Usage : In most cases, the best usage of @supports is setting an older set of styles as backup and then canceling those styles out and enhancing if a given property is supported. One brilliant use case for @supports is layout. Some edge browsers are now providing support for flexbox while others lag behind.

by Modelimo
Bayanların her tarzda iddialı oldukları gibi giyim konusunda da iddialı olduklarını biliyoruz. Gidilen ortama göre yapılan faaliyete göre giyim modellerinin kullanım alanı geniş diyebiliriz...

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag best

learning +   lifehack +   memory +   productivity +   psychology +   selfhelp +   toread +   tutorial +  

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