public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from redyrod

June 2010

toChecklist plug-in for jQuery

The toChecklist plug-in for jQuery will give you the functionality of a SELECT box without the need to ctrl+click items to select them. The Demo Options in the upper right show a standard HTML multi-SELECT box (annoying and difficult for average users!). Click the "Convert" button immediately below it for a quick demo of what this plug-in will do.

May 2010

jQuery image viewer plugin

by 3 others
YoxView is a free image and video viewer for websites. It's written in javascript using jQuery and is available as a jQuery plugin. YoxView is inspired by Lokesh Dhakar's Lightbox. Like it, YoxView displays content above the website's content, as a separate layer.

jQuery UI.Layout Plug-in

by 3 others
This plug-in was inspired by the extJS border-layout, and recreates that functionality as a jQuery plug-in. The UI.Layout plug-in can create any UI look you want - from simple headers or sidebars, to a complex application with toolbars, menus, help-panels, status bars, sub-forms, etc. Combined it with other jQuery UI widgets to create a sophisticated application. There are no limitations or issues - this widget is ready for production use. All feedback and requests are welcome as development is ongoing. If you create a good looking application using UI.Layout, please let us know. This plug-in is on the jQuery site at: If you like it, please 'rate it' for the benefit of other users :)

font-face Generator

by 24 others
Usage: Click the "Add Fonts" button, check the agreement and download your fonts. If you need more fine-grain control, choose the Expert option. Note: The Generator is processor intensive. Please be kind and don't generate more than a few at a time. Thanks!

April 2010

Git it

by 2 others
Dans cet article, nous abordons l’utilisation de Git, le gestionnaire de version écrit par Linus Torvalds et utilisé pour le développement du noyau Linux. Le but recherché est de donner le nécessaire pour commencer à utiliser Git tout de suite, par une approche pas à pas. On suppose que tous les paquets Git sont déjà installés sur la machine.

February 2010

January 2010

August 2009

Fancy Thumbnail Hover Effect w/ jQuery

by 7 others
I had a sudden urge to duplicate that similar effect but using my bread and butter (CSS and jQuery). I thought I’d share this and maybe some of you can find it useful.

July 2009

7 file upload plugins for web developer

File Uploading, is the sending of data from a local system to a remote system,such as a server, or peer, with the intent that the remote system should save a copy of whatever is being transferred. In this article, you will read about the 7 file upload plugins for web developer .

June 2009

Phototype: image manipulation with Javascript

by 1 other
Lately I had same crazy thoughts on coding a javascript wrapper to manipulate images rendered on the server-side. I decided to do some test which eventually resulted in phototype, a client/server-side library, based on prototype, which supports all kinds of image manipulations. On the serverside the library is powered by combination of PHP/GD that renders the image. With phototype, you are able to rotate, resize, flip and do some other cool effects to images. Let's start a quick tour.

20 Tools to Make the Life of a Web Developer Easier

by 2 others
Developing a well-rounded aesthetically pleasing website can be a daunting task even for the most seasoned web developer. You must identify current trends and standards and determine ways to incorporate them into your designs. Luckily, there are many free tools which are available that can help you speed up your efforts and work in a more efficient manner. Below are 20 tools which are sure to benefit all developers.

April 2009

gestion de projet

by 4 others
C'est connu, la bonne réussite d'un gros projet est directement lié à une bonne organisation et une bonne communication entre les membres de l'équipe. En informatique, il existe de très bons outils, allant dans ce sens, pour nous aider à mener un projet à bien. Ce genre d'outils peut vous faire gagner beaucoup en productivité, mais également vous faire perdre énormément de temps s'ils ne sont pas adaptés. Cet article propose d'en lister quelque uns, qui pourront probablement vous servir un jour où l'autre. Je ne dis pas qu'il faut nécessairement tous les utiliser pour un même projet ; il faut savoir s'adapter, selon la circonstance, et selon les besoins.

January 2009

Testeur d’expressions régulières Javascript en ligne

by 4 others
Pas facile d’écrire les bonnes expressions régulières lorsqu’on ne les manipule pas régulièrement. Pour valider vos expressions régulières sans avoir à bidouiller votre code, je vous propose de les essayer directement en ligne via le testeur d’expressions régulières de QuentinC :

November 2008

Most Wanted Ajax Techniques: 50+ Examples and Tutorials

by 2 others
Web applications have made huge leaps and bounds in improving user experience thanks to a lot of recently developed Ajax technology. When you combine some neat functionality courtesy of PHP with the cleverness of javascript you can produce some pretty cool results. In an effort to help you take it up a notch, we’d like to share some methods for helping your site anticipate a user’s next move.

October 2008