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PUBLIC MARKS with tags myspace & orkut


Cuenta Atrás de Navidad

by wihe
Cuenta atrás de navidad que indica en días horas y minutos el tiempo que falta para la navidad, el widget de navidad lo podrás colocar en tu hi5, facebook, myspace, orkut, pagina web, blog, etc.. solo basta que copies el código al pie del cuenta at...

openface - Google Code

by nhoizey
The Openface Project is a PHP framework (Ruby in process) used for building applications that run on Facebook and OpenSocial platforms. Openface is a set of libraries that you add into your PHP application that enables the same codebase to run within Face

Réseaux sociaux : des audiences différentes selon les continents

by pac-recrutement & 1 other
A chaque continent ses préférences... Les sites de réseaux sociaux les plus fréquentés... par pays, par continent.


by tisienpo
Selon la dernière étude réalisée par l'institut ComScore, le marché français des "réseaux sociaux" est d'ailleurs justement dominé par Skyblog, avec 9,1 millions de visiteurs uniques, suivi de MySpace (2,2 M de VU), (1,3 M de VU), (827 000 VU), (754 000 VU), (675 000 VU), (495 000 VU), (310 000 VU), MSN Group (310 000 VU) et enfin Viadeo (270 000 VU). Au niveau mondial, ce segment est dominé par le trio MySpace (114 M VU), FaceBook (52M VU) et Hi5 (28M VU) mais intéresse également Yahoo, avec le nouveau, sans oublier Google, qui entend capitaliser sur ses différents services communautaires (Blogger, Orkut, DodgeBall, Zingku..) pour rapidement s'affirmer comme une leader de ce segment en pleine expansion.


MySpace and gaming: the power of social networks - Joystiq

by bcpbcp (via)
A lot of the emerging social technologies on the Web--from social bookmarking to photo sharing--could easily translate into a game world, and as a commenter on Alice's post points out, Second Life already achieves some of the same goals as the MySpace network.

Identity Production in a Networked Culture: Why Youth Heart MySpace

by bcpbcp & 6 others (via)
I want to talk with you today about how teenagers are using a website called I will briefly describe the site and then discuss how youth use it for identity production and socialization in contemporary American society. I have been following MySpace since its launch in 2003. Initially, it was the home to 20-somethings interested in indie music in Los Angeles. Today, you will be hard pressed to find an American teenager who does not know about the site, regardless of whether or not they participate. Over 50 million accounts have been created and the majority of participants are what would be labeled youth - ages 14-24. MySpace has more pageviews per day than any site on the web except Yahoo! (yes, more than Google or MSN).

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