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PUBLIC MARKS with tag "Big Data"


Data governance : définiton.

by valery (via)
Qu'est-ce que la data governance ? Pourquoi en parles-t'on aujourd'hui sur directmag ?





by gregg
Data Love. Porn Data.

The 10 Algorithms That Dominate Our World

by gregg
The importance of algorithms in our lives today cannot be overstated. They are used virtually everywhere, from financial institutions to dating sites. But some algorithms shape and control our world more than others — and these ten are the most significant.

Ownership of personal data still appears up for grabs - Los Angeles Times

by gregg
The White House reiterated its call last week for greater protection of people's personal info — two years after proposing a "privacy bill of rights" that went nowhere in Congress.

Confessions of a Data Broker

by gregg
Acxiom's CEO Scott Howe explains how self-regulation can work By Katy Bachman

Big data : are we making a big mistake ?

by moby
Big data is a vague term for a massive phenomenon that has rapidly become an obsession with entrepreneurs, scientists, governments and the media (entre les Nobels qui signent tribune contre l'IA, les craintes de cyber-surveillance issues des Big data et la réalité Snowden, l'Internet passe un mauvais moment)


by gregg
FlatTurtle has developed a unique technology that “retrieves” relevant real-time Data, open or private, (2) “converts” data into useful Information and (3) “visualises” info so that it becomes readable, and thus transforms it into Knowledge.

Mon crédit recalé par un robot! - Banque et finance - Actualité -

by gregg & 1 other
Réseaux sociaux, données personnelles, algorithmes complexes : la révolution numérique bouscule les banques. Leurs bases de données en savent toujours plus sur vous. Au point que, demain, votre crédit sera peut-être recalé par un ordinateur.

Eight (No, Nine!) Problems With Big Data -

by gregg
Big data is here to stay, as it should be. But let’s be realistic: It’s an important resource for anyone analyzing data, not a silver bulle

Big data: are we making a big mistake? -

by gregg
Big data is a vague term for a massive phenomenon that has rapidly become an obsession with entrepreneurs, scientists, governments and the media

by gregg & 1 other allows you to view, edit, and remove information about yourself from Acxiom’s marketing database.

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