public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags universe & physics

11 May 2006 23:30

23 February 2006 23:00

Is our universe about to be mangled? - New Scientist

by zboog
Our universe may one day be obliterated or assimilated by a larger universe, according to a controversial new analysis. The work suggests the parallel universes proposed by some quantum theorists may not actually be parallel but could interact – and wit

25 January 2006 15:30

12 January 2006 13:15

Stephen Hawking's Universe

by phgod
同名 VCD 的支援網站,內有教師手冊可供下載。

15 November 2005 06:30

Re: 時間與渾沌的定律

by YukuanBlog
前幾星期再次拜讀薛丁格的《What is Life》時,被提醒到這裡的論述並不完整。

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last mark : 11/05/2006 23:38

last mark : 23/02/2006 23:09

last mark : 25/01/2006 15:43

last mark : 13/09/2006 10:23