public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag thought



11 Things To Know About Semantic Web - ReadWriteWeb

by Xavier Lacot
"Semantic Web will start the long, slow decline of relational database technology", "If you have a firm grasp of the theoretical underpinnings of the semantic web, things like RDF, tuples, Sparql and OWL that make my brain hurt, you will be able to charge a fat premium in consulting fees for a while, as not many people really understand this stuff. But make hay while the sun shines, as some entrepreneur will surely figure out how to abstract this stuff and make it accessible for the masses."



Roane Sky taste like chicken

by RoaneSky (via)
A filmmaker artist type thinks he knows all the answers about the nagging questions about life. That's right, who cut the cheese, and who was there to witness it?

Welcome to Wyomodibo

by etm157
A fine city. Home to art, poetic photography and graphic work, love and that. A new view on the world.

菠萝的新成员之一 - George

by jackiege

Thinking like a Genius

by summer70 & 6 others
Clip: "Even if you're not a genius, you can use the same strategies as Aristotle and Einstein to harness the power of your creative mind and better manage your future."

by etm157 the website for new international poetry and art. Look and read and enjoy. Comment, translate and above all contribute. We need your work. The world deserves it. Any country, any language, we need it here.

Social media - how does clipmark fare in this field [7]

by pmadhu_sudhan
Good article !! "It seems to me that the other main feature of social media is that they're looking at how each individual contribution can become part of something that's greater than the sum of its parts, and to feed that back to the individuals usin

Clipmark: Social media - how does clipmark fare in this field

by pmadhu_sudhan
Good article !! "It seems to me that the other main feature of social media is that they're looking at how each individual contribution can become part of something that's greater than the sum of its parts, and to feed that back to the individuals usin

Clipmark: Tag cloud - is it useful

by pmadhu_sudhan
While my earlier post was from Clipmarks top tags, this one is from Rojo top tags. It would be really challenging to find a difference.

Tag cloud - is it useful

by pmadhu_sudhan & 1 other
While my earlier post was from Clipmarks top tags, this one is from Rojo top tags. It would be really challenging to find a difference.

Clipmark: TAGs doesn't all tagclouds look similar

by pmadhu_sudhan
I wonder if there is any real value of Tag clouds. Any online set of information would generate a very similar tag cloud. With Google, funny, Bush etc dominating the list.

TAGs doesn't all tagclouds look similar

by pmadhu_sudhan & 3 others
I wonder if there is any real value of Tag clouds. Any online set of information would generate a very similar tag cloud. With Google, funny, Bush etc dominating the list.

The Programmers Stone

by micah & 1 other (via)
The purpose of this site is to recapture, explore and celebrate the Art of Computer Programming. By so doing we hope to help the reader either become a better programmer, understand what less experienced programmers are struggling with, or communicate more effectively with other experienced programmers.


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last mark : 11/11/2012 12:11

Xavier Lacot
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