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PUBLIC MARKS with tag theory





Scott Adams Blog: Two Conspiracy Theories 12/02/2010

by jeanruaud
I'm a fan of conspiracy theories. I'm fascinated by the fact that any wild story can be engineered to sound feasible to some portion of the public. Let's call this the ordinary kind of conspiracy theory, such as the idea that a small group of rich people are secretly running the world, or that aliens are abducting people and implanting chips in their necks. These conspiracy theories are hugely unlikely by their nature. But there's another category of conspiracy theory that is way cooler. These are the theories that are far more likely to be true than not, although no smoking gun has been found. I give you today, two conspiracy theories of my own design. I'm not saying these are true. I'm just saying they are far more likely to be true than false. We'll probably never know.



by mihozu
markov chains

CS 114b - Course on NLP with NLTK assignement

by ogrisel
Course Overview Provides a fundamental understanding of the problems in natural language understanding by computers, and the theory and practice of current computational linguistic systems. Of interest to students of artificial intelligence, algorithms, and the computational processes of comprehension and understanding.


Bayesian theory in New Scientist « Reverendbayes’s Weblog

by ogrisel (via)
The quest to understand the most complex object in the known universe has been a long and fruitful one. These days we know a good deal about how the human brain works - how our senses translate into electrical signals, how different parts of the brain process these signals, how memories form and how muscles are controlled. We know which brain regions are active when we listen to speech, look at paintings or barter over money. We are even starting to understand the deeper neural processes behind learning and decision-making.

Linear Programming: Foundations and Extensions

by ogrisel (via)
# Balanced treatment of the simplex method and interior-point methods. # Efficient source code (in C) for all the algorithms presented in the text. # Thorough discussion of several interior-point methods including primal-dual path-following, affine-scaling, and homogeneous self dual methods. # Extensive coverage of applications including traditional topics such as network flows and game theory as well as less familiar ones such as structural optimization, L^1 regression, and the Markowitz portfolio optimization model. # Over 200 class-tested exercises. # A dynamically expanding collection of exercises.


steve dekorte - blog

by greut

Let's see what happens when we introduce a seed of bad code into an organization

and it grows like a cancer.

Online Watercolor Mixing Palette

by ycc2106
This online color mixing palette lets you experiment with mixing primary colors and secondary colors without worrying that you're wasting paint.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag theory

ebooks +   journal +   math +   physics +   reference +   research +   science +   string +   stringtheory +   tech +   video +  

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