public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags photographie & magazine



Ben Trovato - Fashion Editorial Magazine

by gregg & 2 others
Ben Trovato is the independent online publication dedicated to discovering and showcasing the works of some of the most promising talents in fashion photography and film from around the world. It has become a world provenance for fashion media, an unbeatable source of talent and inspiration.


Inquire | The magazine of inquisitive journalism & intelligent photography.

by gregg & 1 other
Inquire – previously named Auto de Fe – is a cross-platform magazine of inquisitive journalism and intelligent photography. We publish investigative reporting, compelling reportage, multimedia, interviews, profiles and in-depth photojournalism from around the world.

Project Unbreakable

by gregg
Project Unbreakable was created in October of 2011 by Grace Brown. Grace works with survivors of sexual assault, photographing them holding a poster with a quote from their attacker. Grace has photographed over two hundred people and has received over a thousand submissions. TIME magazine has also named it one of the top 30 Tumblr blogs to follow.


In Vietnam, World's Largest Cave Passage - Pictures, More From National Geographic magazine

by gregg
There’s a jungle inside Vietnam’s mammoth cavern. A skyscraper could fit too. And the end is out of sight.


VII The Magazine - Player

by gregg (via)
C’est aujourd’hui le magazine VII qui tente l’expérience (pas la première, mais celle la est remarquable) d’une certaine créativité en terme de réalisation. En fait, c’est un vrai florilège de ce qui peut se faire : détourages et effets de paralaxe, effets de profondeur de champ, flous dynamiques, saturation dans la luminosité, masques sélectifs, fondus audacieux, cassures rythmiques…


Polka Magazine

by gregg
La revue du photojournalisme de Genestar


Adobe Photoshop Video Tutorials - Best Of | Tutorials | Smashing Magazine

by xlr8 (via)
Un best-of en vidéo (anglais) de 80 tutoriels photoshop pour la retouche image.


Maximum security

by nhoizey
En compétition sur JPG Mag : If anyone drives toward this bike without noticing it, he must be blind!


Active users

last mark : 04/07/2014 22:51

last mark : 01/07/2014 22:42

last mark : 28/11/2011 18:51

last mark : 04/12/2010 11:34

last mark : 23/03/2009 15:16

last mark : 03/04/2008 11:50

last mark : 04/12/2006 16:13

last mark : 13/03/2005 14:53