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PUBLIC MARKS with tag vs



Sencha - CSS3 Ads Versus Flash Ads

by nhoizey
Démonstration des capacités de CSS3 pour remplacer Flash dans les publicités Web

Flash contre HTML5 : 3, 2, 1 partez !

by nhoizey
"Le plus économe demeure le couple Safari/HTML5 qui ne consomme que 12 % des ressources processeur. Pour effectuer la même tâche, le duo Safari/Flash s’accapare 37 % du temps processeur"


Test livres photo format A4

by nhoizey
Dé à testé 9 livres photos de différents laboratoires, en oubliant malheureusement Blurb, celui que j'utilise pour l'instant...

The Lightbox Clones Matrix « planetOzh

by nhoizey
"Comparison of various scripts that display images and other objects in somehow cool CSS popups"

Subtitled video

by nhoizey
Captioning and subtitling are different media with deceptively similar appearance

La gendarmerie nationale sauve son projet Java EE en se convertissant au PHP

by nhoizey
En 2005 la gendarmerie lance Puls@r, un projet Java EE pour remplacer l’application de gestion du service des brigades. Les aléas rencontrés ont poussé les gendarmes à se doter d’une plate-forme de développement continu pour PHP.


Le HTC Android pourra-t-il faire de l'ombre à l'iPhone ?

by nhoizey & 1 other
Voilà quelques arguments en sa faveur, en tout cas, sur un ton sarcastique

O'Reilly Network -- Stewart Butterfield on Flickr

by nhoizey & 1 other
I think we had one person inquire about using the SOAP version of the API. I don't know if any apps were actually built. There is at least one application built on XML-RPC. But all the others--I don't even know how many there are--are built on the REST AP

XHTML Challenge: Home - Comparing sites based on xhtml markup

by oqdbpo
What is XHTML Challenge? XHTML Challenge is offering a comparison between websites based on validation and code markup in order to choose and vote the best coded sites.

Mac Virtualization Benchmarking

by nhoizey
Parallels Desktop est plus rapide que VMWare Fusion avec Windows XP, mais plus lent avec Windows Vista. Qui voudrait de Vista de toute façon ? ;-)


Tax Saver Fund vs Unit Linked Equity Schemes

by nag_sunny
According to the prevailing tax laws, one can save tax on the investments in noted mutual funds, insurance, ULIPs upto Rs. 1 Lakh. ULIPs are work as mutual funds exception, they provide insurance also. However linking the insurance with the investment is debatable. In my view insurance should be taken by everyone but at the same time it should not combined with investment. Investments are something different to the insurance. Another point to be noted here is all the ULIPs charge 20% to 40% of the investment as administration and other charges at the initial stages. So we cannot expect the high returns until and unless we continue investing atleast 5 years. For instance the ULIP companies charges 20% for the first year, around 12% in the next year, 4% afterwards (Applicable for some schemes only, may vary for each scheme). Coming to the mutual funds, the total charges must not cross 2.5% of the total investment. The investments may have to keep for 2-3 years. Tax saver funds provide the advantage of investing in equity apart from the tax benefit with much lesser administration charges. So I believe the tax saver funds beat the ULIPs. I believe the invester should make wise decision when starting his investment in the equity. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag vs

dev +   framework +   groupe:clever-age +   GWT +   java +   JSF +   My_Faces +   struts +   struts2 +   web +   wicket +  

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