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PUBLIC MARKS with tags tumblr & wordpress




Say hello to Shelf!

by sbrothier
Say hello to Shelf, the newest member of our theme collection! When we first broke ground on Shelf nearly four months ago I knew this theme was going to be special, but I never imagined it would turn out to be such a work of interface art. I want to personally thank the incredibly awesome Jon Hicks, Yan Sarazin, and Brandon Dove for bringing Shelf to life, it wouldn’t have happened without your hard work.

HOW TO: Make Your WordPress Blog More Like Tumblr

by oseres
HOW TO: Make Your WordPress Blog More Like Tumblr

DISQUS Comments | Powering Discussion on the Web

by gregg & 12 others
Connect Your Conversations Sometimes the conversation happens away from your site. That's OK. Now you can link up with the social web using Reactions, our feature that hooks into results from uberVU and BackType. Seek out social comments and mentions from places such as Twitter, FriendFeed, Digg, and YouTube, then display them with your comments.


How to Design a Tumblelog Theme for WordPress | Digging into WordPress

by mozkart
Tumblelogs are a great way to streamline mixed-media blogging for different types of content. Commonly used tumblelog topics include “Links”, “Photos”, “Quotes”, “Dialogue”, and “Video”. A good tumblelog presents each these different topics with its own unique format while retaining an overall sense of cohesion throughout the entire design. A good example of this involves the clever way in which titles for “Link-category” posts link to the showcase URL rather than to the post itself. Other post types may be styled with different colors, meta information, and anything else that seems appropriate. Bottom line is that a well-designed tumblelog makes it easy and fun to showcase and organize a wide variety of different content types all in one place. Although I prefer to tumble via my Tumblr account, I have always wanted to integrate the process into WordPress by designing a tumblelog-style theme. So in this brisk tutorial, that’s exactly what we’re going to do. The goals of our Tumble Theme are as follows: Create categories for each content type: Links, Photos, Quotes, Dialogue, and Video Create unique category, single, and index views for each content type Make post title links for the Link category point to the showcase URL instead of the post itself Also provide a link to the post itself (i.e., single view) for posts in the Link category



by springnet & 1 other
Tumble-hybrid Deuce is a cleaned up version of the original Tumble-hybrid theme. Please follow the directions outlined in the original Tumble-hybrid post to install and use this theme.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag tumblr

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