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PUBLIC MARKS with tags flickr & tech


接着讲Flickr的八卦 | 94smart

by jackiege

Flickr 的开发者的 Web 应用优化技巧

by jackiege & 1 other
Flickr 是 Web 2.0 的代表站点。面对的网络问题除了一般 Web 站点都会有的内容优化之外, 还有必须要灵活处理 JavaScript 与 CSS 的频繁变化后部署分发带来的复杂性。


西 九 展 覽 etc.

by ryanne
[thursday, 30 december 2004] 應 酬 吃 飯 、 走 商 場 、 讀 da vinci code 、 踏 單 車 、 參 觀 西 九 展 、 聽 電 台 、 看 The Terminal 、 替 家 裡 的 兩 部 電 腦 裝 firefox / thunderbird 、 弄 flickr 相 簿 . . . 差

better or worse?

by ryanne
[friday, 07 january 2005] first, google bought blogger. then, google's buying flickr and now, six apart (typepad) is buying live journal # what next? is changing for the better -- or worse?btw, google's just been granted a patent for HIGHLIGHTING SEARCH T

squared circles fibonacci mosaic

by ryanne
[friday, 21 january 2005] can you spot my squarely circled pics in the following fibonacci mosaic (click to enlarge)?

more from google blogoscoped + squared circle group icon

by ryanne
[sunday, 30 january 2005] More ingenious apps from Google Blogoscoped: [1.] AnyRank: find out the rank of your URL The site has a CurseRank of 0. (errmmm yea...haha....i'm such a good girl) The site has a GeekRank

new flickr logo?

by ryanne
[sunday, 27 february 2005] First time starting a thread on Flickr and it attracted over 100 replies within only 12 hours! Well it all began with this gossipgossipgossip.gif...


by ryanne
[tuesday, 22 march 2005] O. M. G. Yahoo actually does acquire Flickr..... and it DOES worry me...@____@

[flickr] A present from Flickr HQ to say thank you!

by ryanne
[tuesday, 19 april 2005] I HEART FLICKR!!!!!!!!!! now who wants to go pro? i have 2 accounts to giveaway!!! [flickr] A present from Flickr HQ to say thank you! Hi 1of@kind! You may have heard on the grapevine that we planned to reward our dear Flickr me

flickr pro invites update

by ryanne
[thursday, 21 april 2005] response is so overwhelming! i never knew people actually READ my blog.....must thank you all =) okay so here's a quick update on the flickr pro invites. so far i've received 5 requests (listed here in chronological order): > me

web referrals

by ryanne
[wednesday, 27 april 2005] mind all clogged up with equity and trusts....@____@ how am i going to survive the test on saturday??? not to mention tmr's test for the broadening course...crim presentation the day after....and the big essay due next week.....

flickr fan art group

by ryanne
[thursday, 05 may 2005] created a flickr fan art group today :) feel free to join!!!!

micro icons craze

by ryanne
[friday, 06 may 2005] came across some nifty micro icons today: ipod (a mini icon of a non-mini ipod!!! lol) flickr (fan art again :P) arrow rounded button (neat and clean) folder (white ones always look better, don't they?) pdf (tiniest one ever seen

flickr freebies + trio tickets

by ryanne
[thursday, 09 june 2005] 今天 law firm 發生了一件不愉快事件....不願再提...@__@ 我竟然慢了兩拍, 出了Flickr Schwag 都唔知!schwag [noun]: 1. free/extra goods, usu. given to employees or workers 2. low grade marijuana buy jor tick

flickr graph - marcos weskamp

by BlueMoon & 44 others
Interseting Flash app for Flickr which shows your social network.


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag flickr

3d +   adobe +   flash +   flex +   gallery +   InfoViz +   inspiration +   tag +   visual +   wall +  

Active users

last mark : 27/05/2006 08:30

last mark : 17/03/2006 12:25

last mark : 21/11/2005 03:19

glitch p-udding
last mark : 24/10/2005 14:20

last mark : 01/09/2005 12:18

last mark : 09/08/2005 07:01

last mark : 28/04/2005 08:07

last mark : 12/02/2005 17:38

last mark : 16/03/2005 03:49

last mark : 01/01/1970 01:00